Chapter 1

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"My god, Danni look!" Samantha yelled. "im looking" he replied. "its amazing!" Stanley said as he watched the bright blue figure soar downwards from the sky, not far from their location. Samantha stared in awe "make a wish" Stanely rudely cut her off "its not a shooting star, genius" Samantha scowled back at him, but before she could speak, the frightening sound of the astroid hit them and they all gazed once again. It fell fast, sounding like pure flames, but the impact resulted in everyone jerking their heads back. It sounded like thunder striking at a short distance. They all sat in silence for a moment. Danni threw the truck in reverse. "we're getting out of here" Stanely quickly argued "are you kidding, this is a once in a lifetime chance we have" Danni couldn't believe his brother was really about to argue with him about this. Danni stopped. "do you really think anything good can come of this, Stan?" he looked hard into his brothers eyes. Samantha looked afraid. She nervously bit her nails, then spoke up. "we could maybe get rich for being the first to discover this.." "astriod" stanley cut her off again. "yeah, what he said". Danni stared at them both for a minute. "fine" he muttered and drove forward. Stanley seemed excited, but Danni was skeptical as they slowly drove past tree after tree. Sam remained silent, but could barely contain her excitement.
They soon came near, seeing a bit of a blue glow in the woods. Stopping the truck, they had to continue on foot. Danni left the truck running, just in case for a quick escape. They all slowly got out & constantly stepped over grass and dead leaves, coming near to the blue glow. They crept through bushes, all while getting scratched & hearing twigs and leaves crunch beneath their feet. Finally, they came to a clearing that was specked with blue flames giving them just enough light to see the crater in the earth.

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