I'm all out of things to say
My tongue's tied up and held captive inside
My teacher stands over me
I slump in my desk to hide
She waits for my answer
To the question that I don't know
My mouth is locked shut with the key thrown away
I freeze under her glare-I'm afraid of detention
I didn't really hear the question
(Or perhaps I just wasn't paying attention)
I have to get out of this someway
I look at the small pool on my desk
A pool of sweat dripped from my brow
I have to get out of this- but how?First I go for the cliché
"I need to use the bathroom," I say
My teacher wordlessly shakes her head
"After you answer the question," she said
I attempt to go a little extreme
"It's an emergency!" I scream
My teacher doesn't budge-just shakes her head no
"Answer the question, then you can go."I give up
I look miserably at the floor
I open my mouth to request
For her to repeat the question once more
But then a miracle occurred
My nose tickled, my vision blurred
When I tried to speak, I gasped in air
Everyone, watch out, beware!
But I can only close my eyes
And out came the big surprise
And from my nose erupted a mountain of goo
It covered my clothes
It covered my face
My notebook
My homework
My blue pencil case
But the best thing it covered
Was my teacher-head to toe
She looked down in disgust
at the mucous' glow
She looked at me
and waved me away
"Tissue," She said
That saved my day!
I grabbed a tissue
To wipe up the gunk I went
And saw to my relief
She asked a new student