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I awkwardly drink my coffee, I'm not really used to being awkward, I am usally the chatty person. Now I just have no idea what to say, I don't even know the guy. I just feel like I have to stay with him until someone he knows comes to the place. Where are his parents anyways? I feel like asking him but decide against it for now. We just got to know eachother. I wonder what he's thinking. I try to see on his face of he's sad or happy but he's just there, drinking his tea that he got from the nurse.

''How are you feeling?'' I finally ask

''You kinda just asked me that question, but I'm fine'' he chuckles. Wow this is really awkward.

''Aren't you supposed to be at school or something?'' he asks to break the awkwardness. Finally.

''I'm on a break because of the crash, but I will be back in school in three days.''

''Yeah me too kinda, as you can see, I don't think they can bring the hospital to school'' he chuckles as I join him, but sill unsure if I find the ''joke'' funny.

''Do you got anybody visiting you?'' I ask. I try to sound as casual as possible to hide my nosyness.

''Yeah, my girlfriend, Hannah is coming to visit me today. She couldn't come yesterday because she had school'' he says, just like I would know her.

''What school does she go to?'' I say out of my curiosity

''UCLA'' He says 

''In America? Like, Los Angeles?'' he nods ''That's pretty far'' I say and my head fills with questions

''Yeah, we're in one of these long distance ones. According to buzzfeed, long disdance relationships are better for anxiety'' He smiles and takes a sip out of his tea.

''What caused the crash?'' I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible but my voice cracks at the end.

''Texting'' He begins ''I was on my way to the airport because I was going to meet Hannah in LAX which didn't happen so she is coming today as I said. But anyways, I was texting her that I was on my way, and I saw that my lane was traffic-free so I just kept the speed I was on. My hand twitched abit and touched the steeringwheel, causing the car to turn to your way.'' He calmly said

Before I could answer, a nurse came in again and told us Liam had a visitor, he obliged and a straight blonde haired girl came in and rushed to his side with a big bear hug, not even noticing me.

''Hey, Limaboo! I have a present for you!'' She says dragging the 'you' at the end. Cringe.

''Yeah, what did you get?'' He asks with a cheeky smile and looks down at the small box infront of him that 'Hannahboo' brings up to his lap. I look at her to see that she is wearing uggs, zebra tights and a neon pink shirt. Oh dear.

He opened it and a clown doll pops upp saying 'Get well' repeatingly and it annoys the crap out of me. He laughs nervously like a kid getting socks for christmas and kisses her on the cheek ''Thankyou, Hannah.'' He says with a heartwarming smile.

''Limaboo, I want to talk to you for a bit'' Hannahb- I mean Hannah says. 

''Okay'' He says and his face lights up and gives me the ''I think you can go now'' look. I walk out of the weired couples room and sit in the waiting room. 

Moments later, Hannah storms out of the room with her sand coloured uggs angrily. Should I go inside to see Liam and see if he's okay? Should I give him some privacy? I decide on the first part and walk into his room. 

He's not sad, he is just watching the present in the trash can. Oh. He looks up at my sudden appearance in his room. Too late to walk out. 

''Hey'' He says with that calm voice he has.

''Bad luck?'' I ask and plop on the seat. 

''Kind of'' He begins ''So me and Hannah met by my friend trying to get myself a girlfriend'' Oh no he's going to start rambling about their relationship. ''He told me that 'this girl Hannah' was really hot and introduced her to me.'' he sighs ''I liked her at first, but then she became really clingy, did you hear her nickname for me?'' I nod ''When she was moving to LA, I tried to break up with her, but it didn't work that well, so we were together ever since. But now she came here to England to break up with me to run after my friend that introduced her'' He breaths. I can't help but cringe at the way their relationship went.

''Oh'' I say because I really don't know what to say ''Are you hungry?'' I ask as my stomach rumbles for some wagamama's 

''Yeah, sure. They serve food here at the hospital'' He points out the door

''I was hoping for noodles'' I chuckle and he joins me

''Okay, okay'' He begins ''I'll have water to drink and get something that we can share, I won't eat much'' He says and I nod with a smile and get off the bed but fails by stumling by the leg of th bed and fall to the floor. He starts to laugh his arse off so I give him the ''shut up, this hurts'' -look, but he just laughs even harder. His laugh is mellifluous.

What did I-??

Oh well

That wicked bastard. 

I push my hands to the floor the help me up when I realize I have been lying on the floor staring at him and stand to the ground. 

''See ya in about twenty minutes'' I tell him and he is waving back, still laughing. 

As I walk over to wagamama's on the other side of the road, I take in the environment around here. The walls to the buildings are red brick and flowers are hanging from the window sills. This is why I love Birmingham. The flowers, the environment. When I reach wagamama's the queue is longer than expected, but I still decide on waiting anyways. 

I get lost in my own random thoughts. My thoughts are like 'A.M thoughts' as people call them, but I have them both in the A.M and the P.M (no pun intended). So basically I it took abit faster than expected because the voice in my head kept rambling. 

''Your order, miss?'' The man behind the counter asks and I order a big noodle stir fry because I will be mostly eating since he is only having a little. After a minute he hands me a white trapezium shaped box and I pay him and walk back to the hospital. 

When I get to his room he sits up and smiles ''What did you get me?'' he asks childishly

''Don't be rude, we share. Sharing is caring'' I say in a motherly voice and plop myself on the bed, closs my legs and place the box between us and give him the two pack chopsticks that came along with it.

''Do you have forks?'' He asks and I laugh at his shy question

''Nah, I can show you how to master the chopstick-holding'' I chuckle

''Erm okay'' he says and I laugh even harder

I take his hand in mine and put the first chopstick in his hand and put the other one under it and put two fingers under the second one while he watches silently. How romantic my subconscious tells me and I push her to the back of my head. 

''Now, try it'' I tell him and he pinches the chopsticks together and I look at the weird amusement on his face. I open the box and gesture for him to start. He pinches the noodles with the chopsticks and drop them, but the second time it works and I clap my hands and chuckle.

''Now you go'' He says and I easily take the chopsticks in my hand and get the noodles up to my mouth 

''Big competition you got here'' I say as I kiss both of my biceps and he laughs his wonderful laugh. 


I'm BAAACKKKK after two months, but now I'm going to try to write as much as I can, but I'm going on holiday tomorrow to Gran Canaria, so maybe I'll update in 3 weeks or so!! See ya then :)

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