Chapter 9

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Kendall’s car parked on the collage drive way. And he is standing in front of his car smiling at me. And I just look down not wanting him to worry.

“hey babe.”

“hey.” I said and he hug me and then he pulled away and take my chin up for me to face him and he gasped look at the wound on my mouth.

“what happen?”

“Ella will tell you.”

“we’re at our locker doing something and when we want to go to the class Angel stop us and ask her is she really dating Kendall. First time she don’t want to tell her and she push her to tell her that it’s real or not then she tell her yes then she said I hate you and punch her on the mouth and it’s bleeding.” Ella said

“I hate that girl. I’ll get her.”

“no don’t worry I’m fine and she is with the principal.”

“ok let’s go now.”

“wait you’re gonna go rehears right?”

“yes and I want to drop you home first and then go to the rehearsal place.”

“is it ok for them that you’re a little late? Right?”

“it’s fine. Let’s go.”

“ok.” I said and 3 of us get in his car and he drove away, and we are arrived at my house and we got down and said goodbye to him and he disappeared with his car to the rehearsal studio. And then we get in my house and I started cleaning and Ella help me.

**26th of May, My Birthday and concert day**

I woke up with a scream “Happy Birthday!!!” from Ella and Kendall, last night Ella stay here and Kendall has to do something with the guys. I fluttered open my eyes slowly and look at Kendall beside me and Ella stand behind Kendall with a cake “happy birthday baby. I love you.” He said and kiss my forehead “I love you too. And Ella thank you so much.” I said and sit up on my bed “make a wish.” Kendall said, I closed my eyes and make a wish and open my eyes again and blow the candle on the cake and they clapped their hands.

“what did you wish?”

“for me and you could be together forever and ever and nothing could break us apart ever. I love you so much Kendall.”

“I love you too.” He said and he lean closer and our lips touch each other then I heard a sound that a picture has been taken then I pulled away.

“Ella what are you doing?”

“taking picture. Why?”

“no don’t.”


“don’t post it online okay. Send it to me but not online trough the message.”



“promise, hey why don’t you two tell everyone in this world that you two are dating?”

“ask Kendall.”

“why me?”

“you’re the one that a pop star.”

“ok maybe tonight? Or at the meet and greet and tell the paparazzi ?”

“tell the paparazzi. I’ll post something on twitter and Instagram.”

“we’ll post it.”

“ok.” I replied and my phone rung and I take my phone and answer it, it was my mom.

Phone Conversation

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