Chapter 10

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Kendall’s P.O.V.

I look at Shania and she looked at me too for the rest of the song, when I want to sing the last word someone thrown her with a rock right on her head and she fall down and I scream “Shania!!!” then I go down to the crowd no matter what happen, I go to her and hold her and her head was bleeding then I pick her up bridal style and tell Ella to come with me to the backstage. I got her to the backstage and lay her on the sofa and call the doctor, the doctor do something with Shania and Ella just sit there looking at her. Then the other guys come to me

“dude! What are you doing?” (Logan)

“I’m saving her!”

“why?” (Carlos)

“she is my Girl, I can’t live without her. And I can’t just stand there quiet when my girl is bleeding and dying.”

“she’s your girl?” (James)

“yes got a problem?”

“she’s pretty.” (Carlos)

“sorry dude but the show must go on.” (Logan)

“I know! I’ll be there in a second.”

“ok.” They said together and left

“Ella please take care of her.”

“always. Go out there.”

“thanks.” I said and got out there and start singing again

Shania’s P.O.V.

I open my eyes slowly, and now I’m laying on a couch, I feel my head was so hurt. What just happen, I try to remember but it hurt myself. I groan hurts and Ella come to me

“finally you’re awake. Want a drink?” she asked and give me a glass of water and I took it from her and drink it

“what just happen? And where am I?”

“we’re backstage, and you just passed out because someone thrown you with a rock right on your head.”

“backstage of what?”

“a concert.”

“concert from?”

“Big Time Rush.”

“when we buy the ticket?”

“we don’t buy it your Boyfriend gave you 2 ticket for me and you.”

“who is my boyfriend and since when I have a boyfriend?”

“OMG you forgot? Kendall is your Boyfriend since 3 weeks ago.”

“who is Kendall?”

“your boyfriend, from Big Time Rush.”

“who is Big Time Rush?”

“oh no. you forgot all?”

“I remember my family back there in Indonesia, I remember you and I remember that someone go with me to Indonesia for my auntie’s funeral, but who is the someone?”

“your boyfriend.”


“Kendall Schmidt the famous pop star.”

“I have a pop star boyfriend?”

“yes.” Then a guy come to me

“Shania finally you’re awake. How did you feel?” the guy asked me

“who are you?”

“he is your boyfriend.” Then 3 more guys come to me again

“who are they?”

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