Chapter 3

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I follow her from behind. She get in to one room and lock it before I could get in. “hey, baby what’s wrong? Tell me please. You make me worry. Please open the door.” I begged her “no! Go home!” She yell from inside the room. “not gonna happen if you’re not let me in and tell me what’s going on.” I said and she unlock the door and pull me in to the room, it’s her bedroom and the wall was pink, purple and white. “hey what happen?” I asked her and pulled her into my chest and hug her as tight as I can. She just cry, cry and cry. I rub her back with my hand. I take her to the bed to sit on her bed and make she rest her head on my shoulder. “my-my-my a-auntie d-d-die.” She said sobbed and cry more louder. “calm down. Sh.. shh.. everything is gonna be ok I’m here for you.” I said calm her down “thank you.” She thanked me “and I’m gonna go back to Indonesia tomorrow after my collage.” She said sobbed

“ok. You need me to come with you?”

“no need. You have a concert here.”

“no it’s ok.”

“no need to.”

“okay.” I know she must be need someone to calm here. So maybe I just come there without she’s knowing it.

“where is the funeral?”

“at Jakarta.”

“where is your house?”

“in Tangerang.”

“Do you need me to help you packed your things?”

“no need to. I have some of my clothes there in Indonesia.”

“ok. You need to rest. Go to sleep.”

“but I need to buy the ticket.”

“I’ll order the ticket you go to sleep.”

“okay, thanks Kendall.” She said and go sleep

Then I turn on her computer and start searching the flight ticket for her. I order 2 ticket for me and her. Everything was done and I go back to the bed to sleep with her tonight. She sleep and there is a tear fall from her eyes and I wiped it. I love her so much. Then I kiss her forehead. Then I fall asleep

Shania P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning, thinking about what happen yesterday, is it a dream? Or real and I hear a snoring beside me and that’s Kendall Sleep beside me, so this isn’t a dream. And I still can’t believe this, that I’m dating Kendall Schmidt. I love him so much. I just sit there thinking what happen then somebody talk behind me “hey, babe.” He said smiling “hey.” I replied. “just hey?” he asked “what?” I asked back. Then he got up and tickle me on the tummy and I laughed so hard. “Kendall stop! I can’t breath! Kendall!” I said yell to him and laugh, he keep tickle me and laughed. “I must to go to Collage! Kendall! Stop!” I said and laughed. “okay.” He said and stop tickling me. “thank you so much for not tickling me again.” I said and hop out the bed. “wait a minute.” He said taking my hand and put his hand on my check “what?” I asked. He crash his lip to mine. After a few second he pulled out gently. We blushed, I giggled. “umm.. I must to go get ready now.” I said go to my closet and take my pink dress and my stocking and my vest and then go to the bathroom. What just happen is a woooow… that really – really a wooow. I take off my clothes and hop in to the shower. No longer I’m done. I take my towel and dry my wet body. Then I put on my clothes. I brush my hair then I tong my pony with my tongs to the back. I don’t like to wear makeup so I just wear my lip gloss. Then I got out of the bathroom. Kendall is laying on my bed looking to the ceiling. “hey, Kendall. Are you ready?” I asked, then he looked at me “wow, you look so pretty.” He said, stood up and come to me “but maybe. You don’t need this thing.” He said get my vest off of me so I just wear my pink dress and my stocking. “I don’t think so.” I said putting my vest on again. “why not?” he asked I shocked my head “I don’t really like to wear tang top. I just wear tang top when it was so hot or I’m in my mood to wear it.” I said. “but you look more beautiful when you’re not wearing it. Please!!” he begged with his puppy dog eyes. “umm..” I murmuring. It was hard to make a decision when he use his puppy dog eyes. “umm.. a.. ok. You win.” I said “yes. Get it off pretty lady.” He said jokingly. Then I get my vest off from me “happy now?” I asked “so much.” He said and lean in and kiss me softly. “so happy.” he whisper in the kiss. He smiled in the kiss and I smile too. And I realized that it’s almost collage time. I pull out gently “I must to go now. It’s almost Collage time.” I said and get out of my room. I go down stair and Kendall follow me from behind. “hey wait! Are you gonna walk to school?” he asked “yes, why?” I said wondering. “are you forget, that I have a car here and I’m your boyfriend now?” he asked “absolutely no. why?” I said wondering “you’re so silly. I’m your boyfriend and I’m gonna drive you everywhere.” He said with chuckles. “I forgot about that one.” I replied smiling. “common get in to my car.” He said taking my hands. He open my front door and get out. I get out and close my door and lock it. He open his car’s door to get me in. I got in and he close the door. He go to the other side of the car, he open the door and get in the car. He started the car and he drove off to my collage. In the ride I was silence, I looked out the window. And I’m very – very hungry. My stomach gonna screaming “hungry!” if they can speak. Then my stomach made a noise, that mean I’m very hungry. I’m so shy. Kendall laughing “you’re hungry don’t you?” He asked laughing I just nodded. “ok, let’s go to McDonald.” He said “no. Don’t! It’ll be late for my collage.” I said as my stomach make a noise again. “you must to eat, you’ll be sick.” He said “no I don’t.” I replied “please, I don’t want you to be sick. Please.” He begged “ok.” I replied then he drove the car to the McDonald drive thru. He ordered the food and drove out from McDonald. “here eat this. Hurry. But not so hurry.” He said “okay thank you.” I thanked him and kiss his check “you’re the best.” I continued “yes I am.” He said jokingly. Then I started eat and I’m done, we’re in front of the collage and the time was perfect, it’s time to get in to the class. “thank you Kendall.” I said “no problem.” He replied. “I’ll pick you up later. Bye!” he continued “ok. Bye.” I said and waved at him he waved back. And he drove away. I walked in to the Collage and to my class not to my locker cause it’ll be late. Ella is waiting out of the class door.

“hey Ella.” I said  coming to her.

“hey Shania, how are you?” she said and we walked in to the class and seat at our seat.

“my feeling is mixed up.”

“what’s wrong? Tell me!”

“first Kendall ask me to be his Girlfriend.”

“what you said.”


“great! I’m happy for you two.”

“and second my aunt just died yesterday, and I’m going to Indonesia after Collage.”

“I’m so sorry, uh.. you want me to tell Mrs. Abby? Or we could do it together?”



Then the class started. “okay class. I’ve already seen the picture that you all take yesterday. And Kendall has seen it too. Kendall!!!” the teacher said calling Kendall, why don’t he tell me he is coming today? Again. Then Kendall came in. “hello everybody. I’ve seen my picture that you take yesterday, and the best is… Shania.” He said me? What is he doing? I shocked my head “common Shania get up here.” He said “yes Shania your picture is the best get up here. Hurry!” the teacher said. Then I got up and go to the front. Angel sit in the front, when I pass her table she put her leg out and I fall down to the floor. Then they all laugh “Shania are you ok? Anything hurts?” Kendall ask helping me up, I just shock my head and got up, I go to the teacher. “excuse me Ms., may I go to the restroom?” I asked “ok.” The teacher said then I go out the class and go to the restroom. I got in the restroom and get in to one of the room. I just sit there and thinking what just happen, I’ve been humiliated with Angel and it’s hurt so much. She is my enemies, she is so evil, I hate her so much, just the name Angel but she is not an Angel. Then I heard a knock outside the restroom. “Shania are you ok?” Kendall asked “yeah.” I replied and got out the restroom. I got out and he is in front of the door. He pulled me into a hug, “are you ok?” He asked whispering “yeah I’m ok. I gotta go back to the class.” I said and go ahead to the class. “ok see you later.” He said “bye.” I replied waved at him, he waved back and smiled, I smiled back and go away. I got in to the class. “hey, Shania congratulation, your picture is the best of all. Congrats.” She said “thanks Ms. Sheila.” I thanked her and go back to my chair. “what’s wrong?” Ella asked “nothing.” I replied “ok.“ she said. And it’s lunch time. We go to the canteen to buy some food, then we seat in the empty table. “eat faster so we can tell Ms. Abby.” She said and I nodded and we eat fast. “we still have 20 minutes, let’s go to the principal room, now.” I said then she nodded and we go to the principal room. I knock the door “come in!” Ms. Abby yell from inside the room and I open the door and got in Ella follow behind me. “hey.” Kendall said. I gasp. I don’t know he is in here. “what are you doing here?” I asked him “too help you.” He said “help me what?” I asked “help you to tell Ms. Abby.” He said. “I already have someone to help me.” I said “okay-okay tell me what are you 3 doing here.” Ms. Abby said “I want to tell you that I’m not gonna go to Collage for 1 weeks, because I must to go back to Indonesia, my auntie just die yesterday.” I said “okay sweetie no problem. I feel sad for you too.” She replied “thanks Ms. Abby.” I thanked her. “I wanna ask 1 more.” Ms. Abby said “yes.” I replied “why is Kendall so care about you?” she asked, uh-oh...

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