Chapter3: Finally

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I didn't know how long I had been drawing nor what tine it was, all I know for sure was that I didn't feel stressed and depressed, I felt like I was 5 years old again. when my eyes shined bright blue and when j always had a smile on my face. befor my dad whent off to fight in the war, before I had to switch schools because my mom couldnt aford to send me and my 2 brothers to privet school anymore. before I was bullied, before my brothers went off to college, and before my mom started drink and doing drugs, and before she started abusing me. I felt like I was that sweet innocent little 5 year old girl again.

"hey!" a voice shouted, pulling me out of my thoughts and drawings.

the voice sounded very familiar.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice and saw a guy about my age walking towards me. how did he get back here? no one but me my brothers and dad can get get in to the gate.

I closed my scetch pad and stood up straigting out my clothes and pulling my sleeves down.

"can I help you?" I said irritated, that he was on my property with out being givin permission.

"yeah-" "wait! first off, how did you get back here?" I questoned, interrupting him.

"the gate?" he said but it sounded more of a question.

"how its locked and you don't have a-"I stoped short on what I was sayin, just now noticing who was now just 5feet away from me.

"y-your s-scotty m-m-ccreery!" I studdered.

"yeah and you who might you be?" he asked in his cute country accent.

wait hunter! your suposed to me mad at him!

"first off! answer my first question! how did you get in the gate. jts locked!" I said coming back to my sinces.

he juat smilled and shurged it off "I jumped it." he said.

"um don't you know its agentst the law to trustpass? I could call the copes on you, and I don't give a flyin fish who you are" I said my hands on my hips.

oh who am I kidding! I would bever call the cops on him!

"I know, and I'm sorry little mis. but I saw you riding your horse around today and I just thought I wpuld come by and say hey." he said now only 3feet awat

he had blueis greenish brownish eyes and dirty blond hair. he had on a black ffa t-shirt and blue jeans and boots. and ge looked sexy! but that didn't matter that he had trustpassed.

"well have you ever heard of knocking or yelling?" I asked sound like a smart ass.

wow this aint like me! i never talk tk anyone but im sitting here fussin this gug out for trustpassin... dang hunter what happen to you?

"I did both but you never acknowledged me." he said.

wow he's better in person!

"really? are you sure?" I said not totally sure he was telling to truth.

"yes ma'am." he said nodding.

"oh well sorry aboht thay but you still had no right at jumping my fince." I said, and started walking back to the house.

"I know but I really wanted to talk to you, you seem like a nice country girl and your really pretty." he said chasing after me.

I laughed, "yeah, how many girls have you said that to?"


"yeah, okay, we can go with that." I said kinda rudely.

dang hunter what's gotten in to you? I like it! I thought to myself.

"okay well maybe I said it to others before but still I just really wanted to talk to and meet you." he said, "is that such a bad thing?"

actually its not... but this is really new for me. no one has ever wanted to talk to me or has ever came up to me first.

"no." I said simply with a smile. but he couldn't see me since he was still be hind me.

I stoped at the front door before going in and turned on my heels.

"you really wanna talk to me?" I said, looking up at him.

"yeah I do." he said smiling.

I nodded, with a little smile. "okay."

I turned back towards the door and turned the nob.

"so are you gonna let me come in?" he asked.

I depated for a few seconds.

"not to night its late and my parents aren't home." I lied turning back to face him.

He's really cute, but I don't know him except for what iv read and heard on tv and radio, and I don't wanna be a lone with someone I hardly know... He could be a raper or mutterer!!! even though I know he's mostlikely not! I just really domt want my mom to see me with a guy. lord knows what shed do to me.

"oh okay. well can I see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"maybe." I said with a small smile.

"alright, cool. ill see you latter then... umm..."

"Paige." I said using my middel name insted of my first.

I don't really like people knowing my first name, I mean its boys name for christ sake!

"Ill see you later then.. paige" he said with a smile, and walked back to his house.

I walked In the house and locked the door. no one was home. and didnt seemed anyone had been home. whitch isn't very suprising. my mom stays gone for weeks at a time. I remember one time, I was probably around 7 or 8 she stayed gone for a month and a half. that was after my brothers went off to college and I was home a lone to take care of myself. so its safe to say that I didn't really have a childhood. nor a great one of what u did have.

after I ate a little diner I went up stairs and to get a shower. after my shower I finished up my drawing and went to bed.

finally a goodnight. for once since i was 6 years old, I didn't once think about cutting at all.

maybe this is a start for something good to finally happen in my life...

A/N: so thats chapter 3:) hope y'all liked it:) please give me some feed back:) comment/vote/like/fan/follow!!!! thanks for reading y'all:)

~mattie lynn:)<3xx

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