A Forgiving Letter

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September 29th, 2021

Dear Michael,

It's been nearly five years since we last spoke to each other in high school. I am hoping you'll forgive me for what happened those few years ago when popularity overshadowed my life and transformed me into the malicious person I've regretted to become. If, you ever find a moment to read this letter of forgiveness, I truly hope we can share the bond we once had. One of the main characteristics that I was most fond of is the love you've had for the enjoyment of stories.

" On a cool winter night, there was a young girl who was poor but had something that most people wished for their daughters to have, a beautiful kind heart. It was unfortunate, however, rather sad, that she didn't have a mother or a father to go home to or even siblings to "play fight" with. She was completely alone all her seventeen years of life. That was until one night, a tall, handsome dark-haired boy found her lying in a cold ditch filled with snow and her loneliness. She stared up at his icy blue eyes and believed that he was a prince of some sort but realized that it was an old friend she once had when she was five years old. " Sweet and kind little David had actually came to rescue his fair princess," that is what she felt to believe, but in reality this older David had not yet recognized her. The young girl sealed her eyes tightly and gave in to the freezing temperature. David lifted her up from the ground and carried her all the way to his mansion. He had one of his top maids to comfort the young girl and allowed her to stay in his bedroom while he went to his office to workon important matters. The girl opened her eyes to see a King-like room lit up and warmth surround her. One of the maids came up to check on her temperature to ensure this young lady was doing well.

" Good morning young miss, how are you feeling today? " She asked her. " I feel much better, thank you," she answered and gave a kind smile. " I'm Alice, young miss, I'm Master Thomas's top maid in his household." The young girl was quite amazed but felt out of place because she was a poor soul lost in a world of riches or in other words, a mansion. " Alice, I am deeply appreciative for your services but I regret to inform you that I can't stay here. I must be going now because I don't belong here and I don't have any clue as to why David brought me here in this mansion if he doesn't remember me very well," Alice gasped, " Did I say something wrong Alice?"

" You know the young master?" she asked curiously. " Why yes, of course I do. We used to be best friends before my parents died twelve years ago, but I'm certain that he won't remember that because it was a long time ago. I've always loved my David but I don't recall him ever sharing the same feelings for me. That's why I have to leave now before my love for him becomes attached to my soul. " A knock was heard and the same young man who saved her life from the piercing cold entered the room. " Alice, did you check to see if you-" David paused and stared at the lost girl, " Are you alright?" He asked with a caring heart. She answered him," Yes, I was ready to leave David," he felt sad but needed to talk to her,"Alice, may I have a moment alone with this young lady please?" Alice lowered her head and agreed to fill his request. David was alone with her, he walked towards her and sat on the edge of the bed, keeping some distance from her so she wouldn't feel too overwhelmed by his presence, " I know this is all new to you but I'm certain there is a reason why things happen and this was no "accident" that I helped saved your life. After all, my feelings haven't changed for you Sarina Knight, " he spoke in truth. Sarina was surprised that he even remembered her name or even her for the matter.

" You Jerk!!!" She yelled and through one of the pillows at him but he caught it, he chuckled at her and smiled with indulgence, " Yep, you're still the same girl I fell in love with since we were kids," David stated. Sarina paused but then blushed a little," Wait, you love me? After all this time? How can you say you love me if you couldn't keep communication with me all these years?" David understood what she meant by it and became completely honest with her, " I was a complete idiot who listened to his parents instead of his heart. I wanted to be with you but my parents told me that if I did, I wouldn't inherit their riches or this mansion by the time they pass. If only they could see what I truly see, a beautiful browned-eyed brunet with the most incredible smile that could light up the world and full of pure love. You have the heart of a true princess and a virtue of saint. I don't deserve to be in the same room you're in or even your friend. However, this troubled heart asks for your forgiveness for not only leaving you behind to face the world alone but for also being selfish and egotistical. There were moments where I could have spoken with you but instead, I turned the other cheek and ignored you for so long.

" Sarina, will you please forgive me?" David asked her with a sincere heart. Sarina's tears were running down her soft pink cheeks and she crawled over to his side and gave him an embracing hug to show that she still cares for him, " I forgive you David Thomas, with all my heart." He hugged her back in return with a smile of happiness. As they finished with their moment, he rose up from the bed and stood in front of her, " Sarina Knight, I've been in love with you since the day we've met as kids, I am still in love with you now and forever more, will you do me the honors and become the princess of tonight and become my queen of tomorrow?" David bent down on one knee and pulled out an engagement ring, " Will you marry me?" She was really shocked and didn't know how to react but then she spoke out, " Will you promise to never forget our friendship even through hard times?" David nodded at her request and she answered his question, " Then I have my answer..." Sarina whispered her answer softly into his ear and he lifted her off the bed and hugged her tightly. She responded back by embracing him as well. He set her down to the floor but still wrapped his arms around her petite figure. " I love you so much Sarina, if only you can see how much." She smiled sweetly and replied," I know you love me David, just by you asking my forgiveness and thinking of me at all, is enough for me.I will always love you Prince David." They exchanged a smile to another but then sealed off with a passion-filled kiss.

Of course, the importance wasn't waiting for a real prince to show up to save a damsel in distress, getting second chances in life or even becoming rich with power.The real importance is asking for forgiveness, even if you didn't feel that the person might not want to speak to you because of what you may have done.

Michael, I know that I don't deserve to be thought of, but if you do forgive me for how I have treated you, I would be eternally grateful. Please know this, I am deeply and completely in love with you. I don't believe a day goes by without a single thought of you in my mind, I am filled with worries of the past daily. I do love you and I wish the best for you.

Sincerely Yours,

A Friend

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