Chapter 4

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Ross' POV

This past day has been crazy. Band rehearsal, chores, and saving a drowning girl. The first two are normal, but not always do i save lives.

I actually had free time, so i decided to take a walk on a pretty unknown beach so I wouldn't get mobbed by girls and paparazzi. I was an observer, so I took a break to watch people. The girl i decided to look at was the definition of beautiful. She was surfing, and I love surfing. If I ever find her I will ask her out right then and there.

So there was this huge wave, and this ecstatic look came across her face, like you could tell she was happy. Anyways, she stood up, and she was doing great. Then she fell off. I was watching the water for a minute to see when she got up, but she didn't. That caused me to get nervous. I took a few steps towards to ocean, readying myself to go for a swim. Ten seconds later she wasn't up, so I went in.

Swimming was one of my strengths, so it wasn't a problem. The waves pushed me back a bit, but I didn't care. Nothing would stop me from saving this girl. I didn't even notice or care about the cameras. A silhouette glowed from the water and I knew it was her. Without any hesitation I was under, and reaching for her. Oh I wish I knew her name. I couldn't see, so i had to rely on my hands. Luckily, I felt an arm and I pulled. It took a while, but I was finally able to get her unstuck from whatever she was stuck onto and up to the surface.

If I learned anything in this next minute, it was that carrying someone while swimming was the hardest thing you'll ever do. Fortunately her surfboard popped out from the water seconds later, so I picked her up, put her on the board, and dragged her.

I hate calling her her. I need to learn her name. It could be Samantha, Wendy, who knows. But whatever her parents decided to name her, it has to be beautiful.

We reached the shore when I first realized how bad her foot looked. There were scratches all over it, and it was bleeding pretty badly. Seaweed was the only thing I could find to wrap her foot up. It wouldn't stay forever, but it would do for now.

The clicking of a camera stopped me in my tracks. Shoot. I couldn't be seen by photographers, they'd hunt me down and never stop annoying me about this girl. My personal life should be private, but I guess you kinda lose that when you're in a famous band.

I quickly stood up and ran away. Shoot, which way is home? I guessed and hoped it was to my right, so I bolted in that direction. I then realized left my shoes with her. It wasn't a huge problem, but shoes are kind of helpful when you're trying to run.

I reached my house before I was able to hurt my feet badly. I feel bad for leaving that girl, even though I saved her life.

This part of me feels like someway, somehow, we'll end up together. That wouldn't be easy...... my new life goal is to find her again. If we aren't meant to be then so be it. But I need to know who this girl is, and to see if she would be right for me. Who knows, maybe we'll get married someday.

"Ross, you're soaked!" my mom exclaimed with a worried tone the second I walked in the door.

" I'm aware," I said annoyed. Any other day I'm the nicest person ever to my mom; she has five kids and a lot of things to manage. I just have to much going on in my brain.

"You should go up to your room and get changed," she suggested, not looking up from the dinner she was making. I decided to just do it, mainly because wet clothes are not comfortable.

I arrived to the room I shared with my youngest brother, Ryland.

"Dude, you're soaked!" he exclaimed. Like i didn't already know.

"I know. Now leave so I can get dressed," I said annoyed. He groaned and left our room.

I threw on a pair of jeans, a white button down shirt, and some Converse. It didn't take long, but I totally forgot I told Ryland to leave.

"Ross, are you doing something you shouldn't be doing in there?" Ryland called.

"Sorry bro, come back in," I said as i was leaving.

I needed to find out more information about my mysterious girl; and who she really is.

A/N - thanks for reading ♥️😘😋

Searching For Love ∼ Ross Lynch/R5 Where stories live. Discover now