Chapter 20

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Marisa's POV

"You're over exaggerating," my dad sighed, rolling his eyes. For the past hour, I've been trying to convince him to stay in California. It's not going well, but I knew it wouldn't. However, it shouldn't hurt to try!

"And you aren't? You know how much this means to me," I plead. In order to get even some consideration, I'd have to hit him where it hurt.

"And you know how much you mean to me. Trust me, you'll be thanking me I didn't let you kill yourself!" He knows very well that I won't change my mind. And, if for any reason I ever did, I'd never admit it.

"I can die from anything and so could Sophia. Moving won't change that." If anything were to convince him, it'd be that.

He took a breath in before speaking again, this time, calmer. "Listen, Marisa. I know you think I'm being irrational, but this is for your own good. The house is going up for sale this weekend, and the minute we sell it, we're packing up. Nothing you say or do will make me do otherwise." He picked up his phone and walk in the direction of his room. "Goodnight sweetie."

"Night." However, it was only nine o'clock and there was no way I would be sleeping just yet.

I walked up the staircase to hear an unknown noise coming from Sophia's room. As I walked closer, I realized that it was crying. I hated seeing her like that. She shouldn't have to pay for my actions at all, yet she always ends up doing that. I knock on her door and when she doesn't do anything, I knock again.

"Who is it?" she softly asked.

"It's your sister," I reply, very gently. The door opened to reveal a version of my sister I've never seen before. She looked absolutely livid.

"What do you want," she said very angrily.

"I know, you're blaming this whole thing on me."

"'re the one to blame?" She made it sound like I've been living under a rock the way she said that.

"If I had known how this would turn out I wouldn't have done it, honestly. I am so sorry." She turned away from me.

"You can apologize all you want. It won't change what you have done."

"I know but maybe this new place will be good for y-" She didn't even let me finish.

"I'm not even mad about the move, Marisa. What's really making me mad is your selfishness. Lately you've had no cares in the world besides yourself. I don't want to associate myself with people who don't have any regards for the people around them. Until you change, please stay away from me." She faced me again and motioned towards the door.

"Um...okay." I backed up towards her door and left.

"And by the way, dad's 100% right."

Talk about a stab to the heart. I don't think she's ever been that harsh with me, even when we were younger.

I am not selfish....right? I don't think I am. Sure, I care an awful lot about what's most important to me. I seriously didn't know how this would turn out, how can she be blaming me? Yes, I caused it, but it's not completely on me. I thought I'd get away with it. But that's not even what's she's saying!

I try to distract myself by focusing on my homework, and it half works. I'm able to get through two subjects without thinking about Sophia's words, but the other two weren't the case. The words stick in my head like glue and never leave. "Lately you've had no cares in the world besides yourself" was the one that hit me the most. Although it was simple, I knew it said more than it did. She was trying to tell me that I didn't care about her. This wasn't new to today, I noticed she's been off lately.

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