People think my life is just soo happy because I haven't been to a funeral.?😑 . But that is not the entire case. And then I keep it bottled inside. But going through a divorce with your parents at a YOUNG age, and feeling betrayed when it happened, having a dad you can't talk to about stuff because he doesn't care about your opinion, and then dealing with people at my school who think I'm weak, like I'm just oh so fragile, like I don't see them talking about me right in front of my face. They're so judging and hateful like you don't even have feelings or something, calling you dumb asking why you wear certain clothes, feeling like I don't fit in ! Now I've NEVER thought of suicide and I am going nowhere into that direction. Last year I was literally depressed. people telling me (oh none of the guys like you)? You're really ugly. ITS TOO MUCH. Now I know a few people who'd talk about me because of what I just said but I'm out of patience. I'm trying SO hard to fit in this year and to not be insecure, I honestly need to drop everybody out of my life and go to another school our school is NOT a safe nor happy or fun place, kids Bieng bullied, kids smoking weed at school, Bieng high at school like it's cool or something but it's not. Certain people who mess with me who need to get the clue. I honestly want to go m.i.a. On everybody I want to start a new beginning in a new school where people know me for who I really am. I know a few people who would roll their eyes if they read this and say "I want attention " But I don't "want" attention, I kinda need it. I wish a health inspector would just pop up at our school one day. Then they'd shut it down for sure. I HATE IT THERE. And hate is a strong word. People at our school are greedy and are thieves, and they don't care about anybody's feelings, the teachers degrade us like we're animals. I wish my dad would just LISTEN. I don't want to go to this school ANY longer 🖕🏽, I know I have to finish this year but I can't do next year not with the people I know who are only concerned about boys and who likes them, and saying every assignment is stupid and not caring about ANYTHING it angers me to see people cheat and don't even care get grades they don't deserve AT All I've never worked so hard to get good grades in my life, and they get an easy pass from cheating cause they don't pay any attention ITS AGGRAVATING. but that's enough for tonight.😌 good night.💔❤️
October 26th, 2015.