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(Author's note: do you guys mind if I continue writing this story in third person view? If you mind then leave a comment and I'll edit this story back to reader's POV)


Aomine sighed as girls started coming up to him, some fighting to get the closest seats next to him.

He didn't really mind, of course.  (A/N: I know that Aomine is supposed to be well, pervy, but I kinda wanna turn down the perviness since he's in Teiko)

"Aomine-kun~ Would you go on a date with me?" A girl flipped her hair and battered her eyelashes at him.

Aomine blinked at her before looking away. "No thanks I'm very busy with basketball practice and stuff"

"Uwahh Aomine-san is so dedicated! Can we drop by sometime to see how your practice is going?"

"I wouldn't mind but you should ask Akashi" Akashi... Aomine's mind suddenly flickered to a memory of the white boxes.

This was supposed to be a competition. Aomine smirked.  He wasn't planning to let Akashi win, again.

"Thank you so much for supporting us, I really appreciate it!" Aomine flashed his famed mischievous smile.

Aomine scanned the crowd of girls in front of him. He spotted a girl his age reading a textbook, ever so often adjusting her glasses.

Her friend beside her would nudge her to pay attention to Aomine, only to be waved off.

A girl that came unwillingly? Aomine decided to make sure this girl was happy she came.

"Hey, you there, can you sit here? " Aomine patted the space beside him as the girl flinched and was pulled out of her thoughts. 

Aomine draped his arm along the back of the couch.

"Yo" Aomine gripped her chin and tilted her head away from the books to face him.

Girls squealed and fanned themselves.
"Hi" Her eye twitched and her cheek turned red. She forced herself to look back to her textbook on her lap.

"Sorry do you mind if I just..." Aomine shifted himself and laid his head on her lap, the textbook was now covered by the boy. 

The girl clucked her tongue and shook her head. "Excuse me I can't see my textbook"

"Why is your head in textbooks when the tests are over?I'll be your textbook and you can read me however you like." Aomine winked. (A/N: Does that work??)

Lovestruck teenagers clasped their hands together and cooed in jealously at the sight. 

Aomine cupped her cheek and brought her face down to him, pecking her forehead. The girl blushed, shifted to the side and stood up. "I...I need to go" She blushed and quickly moved away.

That was an interesting reaction. Aomine smirked and looked at her figure fading into the distance. He noticed girls staring at him expectantly and shifted his attention back to them. He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry if I'm not that host-like, I have close to no experience whatsoever with girls"

The girls smiled brightly and shook their head to tell him that it was alright. In the corner of his eye, he spotted two girls with branded bags and overdone make-up shoving another away to get closer to him.  "Hey move aside peasant, we need this space for Aomine to notice us" They giggled.

Aomine growled and tried to control his rage especially since he was in front of so many girls. If he lost his temper, it would have a bad impact on the Teiko Basketball Team. At the same time, he couldn't lay his hands on girls.

Instead, he stood up and walked over to them, shoving his hands into his pockets. He looked down at the two girls who were batting their eyes innocently at him and tried to hold back a glare.

"Tsk" Aomine reached out and grabbed the upper arm of the girl that was shoved away and pulled her towards him. Then, he placed an arm around her and drew her closer to his side.  "Whatever your reasons may be, that still gives you no right to mistreat someone like that" The lips of the two girls quivered as they stormed out of the room, clenching their fists.

"I'm so sorry about that" Aomine looked at the girl and his face showed signs of concern. "It's...okay. I'm (Y/N) by the way"  (Y/N) smiled.

Aomine blinked before looking away, trying to hide his faint blush from her. This girl...is cute. Then he realised that there were girls in every direction and decided to use his hand to cover his face.


Aomine flinched as he heard the ridiculously high-pitched voice.

"Did you just raise your voice at me, Ryouta?"Akashi calmly spoke.


Aomine sighed and smiled weakly at the girls around him. "Please excuse me"

He walked over to get a better view of the situation. "Oi Tetsu how can you let him do that to you"

Kuroko bit his lip. "If it's for the good of the Basketball Club then I have no complaints"

Akashi laid his chin on Kuroko's head. "That's right, besides, my judgement is absolute"

"Ehhh I'm jealous you get to do that to Kurokocchi!" Kise pouted.

"Whatever, don't include me in this" Aomine rolled his eyes and headed back. This resulted in several replies.

"Aomine-kun, you were the one to walk here by your own free will"

"Keep rolling your eyes Daiki, maybe you'll find a brain back there"

"You invited yourself into this Aominecchi"

Aomine flinched before hastily walking back to his spot.

Author's note:

well hello there do you guys mind leaving a comment or a vote or smth it gets me really sad to have no feedback from you bros. I don't know what to improve on and such :/

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