Chapter Eleven

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Morgan POV

BANG! The door slams open and hits the wall behind it. I jump off of the couch to go investigate, but Andrew grabs my arm.

"Let me do that." The red head joins me in standing and walks over to the door way. He sure is acting weird. One moment he's all happy, the other he's serious and protective. Odd. I follow behind the older teen to the doorway, the hall beyond it mostly empty. I say mostly because, well, you never know. Andrew takes a single step out into the hallway, looks around, and comes back into the employee lounge. "Nothing."

"Well there has to be something. Doors don't just open by themselves. What if it was..." I trail off. I sit back down on the couch and look at my arms. The cuts are starting to scab over some, so I pick at the scabs absentmindedly. "You know, it'd be a really good idea to wrap these up in bandages. If there's any, of course." Andrew shoots me a look and walks over to the cabinets. Yes, I do realize that I could summon a roll of bandages from my imagination. But it seems unreasonable to do that if there's some already here. You know, in a hospital.

"Here." He tosses me a roll of bandages and sits beside me. The red head takes my arm, stretches it out, and takes the roll back. We are very quiet as he wraps the gauze around my cuts. Suddenly, a picture flashes in my mind. It was from the nightmare. The image rattles me. This is what it was in a nutshell: Andrew. Knige. Blood. And then there's me, laying on the ground and bleeding to death.

"You okay?" Speak of the devil. Andrew's voice snaps me out of my trance. He's already wrapped my right arm and is working on my left.

"Yeah." Curse my shaky voice. "Just thinking."

"About what?" He pushes further.

"Things." The dark eyed teen shoots me a look and shakes his head. I smile slightly at his irratation. He knows that I won't tell him what I was thinking about.

"Okay then." Andrew gives up. I do a little victory dance in my head. Now both of my arms are bandaged with soft white cloth. Yay.

"Thanks." I say politely. Andrew nods and throws the roll of bandages on the coffee table. I smooth out the cloth on my arm and close my eyes. Even though the cuts weren't very deep, they bleed a lot. Strange. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my red headed friend fighting to stay awake. Oh yeah. He hasn't slept in almost twenty four hours. I get up off of the couch and move to the armchair.

Andrew POV

I watch quietly as Morgan moves to the arm chair. She must've seen me watching her, because she smiles at me warmly.

"I'm moving so you can lay down and sleep. You haven't slept any, so you must be exhausted." Her voice is soft, almost a lullaby for me. Maybe... No. Shut up, brain. Don't think like that. I lay down silently and curl up in a ball. Well, try at least. This couch isn't very big.

"If I could with you tonight, I would sing you to sleep. Never let them take the light behind your eyes..." A voice sings softly, most likely being Morgan. I let my eyes close, and a sudden calm washes over me. Yeah. She does that to me. I smile small. Her voice is the last thing I hear before falling asleep...

*Dream Start*

A soft breeze tickles my face, and my closed eyes flutter open. Dark sapphire eyes meet my onyx ones.

"Are you okay?" Morgan's voice is soft. I smile slightly and nod. "You sure?"

"Yeah." I watch as her face lights up; a slow, easy smile stretching across her lips.

"Okay. You had me worried there for a bit. Your eyes were closed and it looked like you were asleep..." The teenage girl rambles slightly, and I take this time to observe our surroundings. Obviously, we're outside. The sky is a light baby blue color while the grass is a healthy dark green. Morgan's wearing her usual band shirt and jeans with black converse instead of her combats. Her usual bracelets are stacked on her wrists and her necklaces around her neck. But, one thing is different about her. Instead of being straightened, her hair is curly and kinda poofy, the way it naturally is. It fits her.

We sit in silence for a bit; the only sounds being the wind blowing gently through the trees behind us and our breathing. I look ahead of me and finally notice the cliff in front of me. Oh. Didn't see that there. I ignore it's presence and refocus on Morgan. She's not there. My heart nearly stops. Where could she have gone?! Off of the cliff? I shake my head. I would've seen her and stopped her. My gaze adverts to behind me and I see where she went. Well, was taken.

The dark haired girl was being held by three guys in black hooded robes. The middle man is the one who is holding Morgan captive. I scramble to my feet awkwardly but quickly.

"Let her go." My voice is quiet and dangerous. The middle man simply chuckles while his friends slowly step towards me.

"What are you going to do if I don't? Pitch a fit?" His tone is mocking. My eyes narrow into a death glare. All this while, Morgan struggles to get free, only to fail and get her restraints tightened.

"You'll regret saying that when you're on your way to the hospital stay, ya know. Especially if you don't let me go. Like, now," she manages to stay. "because he can pitch one heck of a fit." I smile at the fearlessness in her voice.

"Oh, but you don't know who I am, my dear." The man's voice was probably supposed to be a whisper, but I could hear him just fine. Rage floods in my blood veins and I feel my mouth start to dry when he says this. But then I realize that his fellows are right next to me.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I shout as they each grab my wrists. I try to break free of their grasps- and notice how I say try. All that happens isn't very helpful to me. They simply pull me back and force me to my knees. The one on the left lifts my head by yanking my hair(AN: OH LAWD NO. HE DID NOT JUST TOUCH HIS HAIR. OO GURL HOLD MAH RANGS.)

"The reason why we're here is to make you miserable." The leader slowly removes his hood. It takes all I have to not say 'already am'. "And the first thing that we have to do to do that.. is to kill your pretty little girlfriend here." His features finally process through my utter rage. The face of this heathen is all to familiar, however. It's too much like my own. He's.. my father.


BUM BUM BAAAHHH!!!! *starts playing darth vadar theme*

so that was chapter 11. i'll try to get 12 up tomorrow or something. or maybe the day after. you'll never know (°_°)


so i hope you enjoyed this. this chappy is yet again dedicated to the cool dude Andrew's built by. yep.



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