Chapter 13

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Nialls Pov

"Wait" Jess called as i was walking out, i turned around and i faced her "can i try something?" she asked and i nodded, she smashed her lips into mine, i was shocked but kissed back until someone awkwardly coughed, we broke apart to see .... Louis. He always ruins the moment. I still cant believe she kissed me, the way her lips felt on mine was perfect i got a slight tingle. "Urm did i interupt something?" Louis awkwardly asked "kinda mate" i said still in shock "a little bit" Jess whispered "right sorry i was just coming up to see if you was ok" he said and walked out.

I turned to face Jess to see her already looking at me "so..." i said awkwardly i dont know what was supposed to happen now, what was i suppose to see?! "urm yeah sorry" she said "it was fine but where did that come from?" i asked still in shock "i dont know" she said and sat back on the bed. I walked over and sat next to her "i just wanted to see what it would feel like" she almost whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

The only thing running through my head is... That cant be the only reason i mean does she have feelings for me? or not? i mean she must of cought on when i sad i was falling for her?! why cant this be simple? why does it have to e so complicated. I get married to her in a couple of months and i go on tour soon which i have to tell her that she has to come on it with me.... thats going to be fun telling her that.

Jessica's pov

To be honest i dont know why i kissed him, i just i dont know. I mean i felt a slight tingle but that dontmean anything right?! or does it? I think he was shocked that i kissed him but i had to try it, i mean i have to speand the rest of my life with him, i have to have his children. I have to accept that this is the person i am going to spending the rest of my life with, so i have to try and like him.. or do i already.. this is so confusing. Niall's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"urm listen Jess i have to tell you something" he sounded worried "what?" i asked not looking at him "well urm our parents spoke with management and decided that it would be best if you... urm.. well...kinda...touredwithus" he said the end bit really fast but i understood "What? i cant what about my job? i cant loose my job! my job is the only thing stable at the moment its the only thing that makes sense" i said stressed "its already covered, management spoke to them and they got it booked of, but when you search for you wedding dress, you have to have yourself pictured proffesionally in them for the magazine you work for" he said "oh right, i guess it will be for the wedding issue" i said finally looking up at him.

*time skip*

Today is the day we leave on tour, yeah i am excited to tour part of the world and i guess it would be a good. Me and Niall were packing in our bedroom. A thought popped into my head "urm Niall?" i hesintaly spoke "yeah what is it love?" he asked looking at me "well, i was kinda thinking and i know i havent exactly been the nicest to you and i am sorry and i am ready to forget the past and i am going to give this a go for our parents... and a little for me" i mumbled the last part quitly "what was that last bit?" he asked "i said a little for myself" i said a bit louder "i am sorry i didnt quite hear you" he said smirking "Niall dont make me say it again" i whined "please i just want to check and make sure i heard you correct" he said "i said maybe i little for myself" i said louder "one more time" he said smirking, i stood up and grabed a pillow and chucked it at him "i said maybe a little for myself" i screamed "one your going to pay for throwing that at me and two i heard you that time" he said standing up walking closer towards me.

"NIALL NO" i said running out of the door and down the stairs, running through the corrider i felt two arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground "Niall put me down" i said "no i said you were gonna pay for what you did" he whispered into the crook of my neck sending shivers dwn my spine causing Niall to laugh.

He dropped me on the sofa and started tickling me "N-niall p-p-please ....s-s-stop" i said inbetween giggles.

The last couple of weeks, me and Niall ahve grown closer i guess you could say, we joke more and have maybe stole a few kissed here and there. Me and Harry are back to being just friends and we decided to put the past behind us and move on.

"no can do Babe" he said still tickling the sides of my waist "p-p-p-please" i begged. Still giggling like a three year old.

"ok ok, only if you say 'Niall James Horan, You Irish babe, i love you so so so so much and i cant wait to marry you because you are the sexiest man alive' and then i might stop tickling you! he said "n-never" i said. He kept tickling me "ok i will say it" he pause tickling me "Niall James Horan, You Irish babe, i love you so so so so much and i cant wait to marry you because you are the sexiest man alive" i said, he mover away and i caught my breath and sat up, he walked out of the room, so i ran and jumped on his back.

He carried me up the stairs back to the room and put me down in the room, i quickly turned around and pecked my lips, i pulled his head back down and his lips met mine for another kiss, just a little longer. We both pulled "come on Love we have to pack we leave in an hour" he said.

*an a hour later*

We both packed and was waiting for the boys to turn up, our bags were by the door and we was both sitting on the couch waiting.

*DING DONG* the doorbell went and we both jumped up and ran to the door, i opened it to be met with the back of Liam walking back to the car, i ran out and shouted back at Niall "get my bag babe" and i waited by the boot of the car and waited for Niall whilst he carried two suitcases down the drive. We put them in the boot and shut it, Nill got in first because i had to sit on his lap; not enought seats in the car.

We arrived at the airport, checked in, went through security, boarded the plane.

"if you want to sleep you can use my shoulder" Niall said as we pulled out onto the run way..... Here we go....

A/N - Hey Guys thanks for reading. I cant believe it has over 200 views. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Hopefully i will update soon. Bye :)

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