Chapter Two

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I am getting a pain in my jaw that's how long I've been standing there mouth open gaping at her "what do you mean this is my husband?" I ask quietly hoping this is all a bad dream that I really need to wake up from "well with the law and you coming of age we needed to find you a husband so me and Charles held interviews and we decided on your husband which is Caleb, we really think that you two will be a great match. Right Charles?" She asks my grandpa who was standing behind her looking at me with a guilty look, he looked at grandma with an 'are you kidding me look' "Bernice you literally dragged me into this I don't even want my little cupcake getting married if I had a choice I would lock her in the basement until all men of this world die" Although my anger is all over the place I had to crack a ile at that grandpa was always overprotective like that ever since my parents died " I have to agree with grandpa on this one" I saw him smirk "except for the part with the basement sorry gramps" his smirk dropped and I had to laugh but my laughter was cut short by Jayson who I completely forgot was in the room " excuse me but as long as I am alive there is no way is hell that my baby sister is getting married at least not until she's eighty or something" I smiled way to overprotective guys in my family "guys I can handle this myself" I said, I turned to grandma " what they said" she laughed " sweetie I know your not ready but that's the law" all this just because of a stupid law my country has this law where there are to many people dying each year so to keep the country lively teens, from the time they turn 17 must be married and working on making children to bring into this world "that law is so stupid why would I want to have a child at the age of 18 I'm not a slut and I definitely don't want to be a teen mom" my grandma tried to argue but I cut her off before she could start "grandma you know I want to get my own house and get my career first and I already have a boyfriend why can't I marry him?" My grandmas hopeful look dropped by the mention of the word boyfriend she always had a problem with Matthew she always thinks and still do think that he will break my heart no matter how much I explain that he's a good person " I've never liked that boy and you don't have to marry Caleb right away you can take some time to get to know him please do it for me?" She said with the puppy dog face. I sighed all because of a stupid law "fine I don't believe in cheating so I will break up with Matt but don't think I'll be happy" I said with a serious expression "thank you dear now one more thing" oh no "Caleb would be going to your school for senior year as he is only 18 okay? So can you please show Caleb to his room its the door next to yours I'll go start breakfast" she said walking into the kitchen " your really going through with this?" Jay said with a shocked look on his face "year I kinda have to and plus what do I have to loose?" "Your virginty!" He said and I laughed just as grandma came into the room "Jayson stop bothering your sister and go clean the garage like you said you would last week" she gave him a pointed look when he opened his mouth to argue, he closed it and stomped off with a pout on his face "Charles turn off that television and come help me with breakfast" she said walking back into the kitchen "yes dear" he said and rolled his eyes I laughed and he smiled ruffling my hair. When they left I turned to Caleb "well come on pretty boy we don't have all day you know" he got up and walked up the stares so he's the silent shy type I think this could work out. When we reached his bedroom door he turned to me " so you think I'm pretty" he said with a smirk " well thanks for the compliment babe but I think the correct word should be hot" he said with the same smirk spoke to soon he's the arrogant cocky type I didn't even reply I just walked off to which I heard him chuckle "nice PJs, really brings out your butt" he said and I heard the door close "cocky bastard" I muttered walking to my to to change this is going to be one interesting year.

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