Page 5: We have finally broken the language

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Featured on this page:
• _LadyStellaT
• 123kayla456
• anklestrings
• Azurecyan
• ColourFluff
• Fox-Trot-9
• PuffCakes

anklestrings: olleh ouy (hello you)

Azurecyan: @PuffCakes XD the magic of backwards words

anklestrings: woh era ouy (how are you) ?

Azurecyan: ?nuf gnivah uoht tra (art thou having fun?)

anklestrings: (People will enter this thread and be like: WTH?!) ahahahah

PuffCakes: i lliw eb kcab retal ni tuoba 02 ro 30 setunim (i will be back later in about 20 or 30 minutes)

ColourFluff: Where are you guys from? Because at the moment I'm just imagining you guys as your profile pictures except @PuffCakes, I'm getting a vibe that they're actually a fish...

Fox-Trot-9: @anklestrings That's cool... Okay, let me try... I have a little brain on my shelf...

anklestrings: . ysae t'nsi siht gmo (omg this isn't easy)

ColourFluff: ...won sdrawkcab gniklat er'ew haey ho (oh yeah we're talking backwards now...)

_LadyStellaT: @ColourFluff I'm from Gallifrey. So I'm an alien. Time Lady.

Azurecyan: @PuffCakes !!yako (okay!!) @ColourFluff lemon water :)

Azurecyan: ti wonk ew erofeb su llik lliw siht (this will kill us before we know it)

anklestrings: @ColourFluff ?morf mi kniht ouy od erehw (where do you think I'm from?)

123kayla456: hello!

ColourFluff: ...era ew ereh won tub sevil ruo ni tniop eno ta hsilgnE thguat lla erew ew (we were all taught English at one point in our lives but here we are...)

anklestrings: @Azurecyan ?yob a ouy era (are you a boy?)

anklestrings: @123kayla456 olleh (hello)!

Fox-Trot-9: There's also a clock, encyclopedias, rows of books, my printer, printer paper stacks... On my other shelf, there's more books, staplers, another clock, pens, rolls of tape, various papers and folders, more books...

anklestrings: @123kayla456 (btw, we're talking backwards in here!)

ColourFluff: @anklestrings I just assume everyone's American at first (but you're not, are you?)

Azurecyan: egaugnal eht ekorb yllanif evah eW (We have finally broke the language)

anklestrings: @Fox-Trot-9 !looc (cool!)

Azurecyan: @anklestrings sey (yes)

ColourFluff: I've given up on the lifestyle of the backwards people and decided to adopt the way of the forwards people

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