Page 26: *hands you chocolate spaghetti*

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Featured on this page:
• asianrapunzeltf
• Azurecyan
• ColourFluff
• equations_
• knight_adam
• Lydiagr_
• Trane658

asianrapunzeltf: @Azurecyan FIRST QUESTION: WHOS THE FIRST SHIP?


Azurecyan: @asianrapunzeltf first ship?

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Azurecyan: @asianrapunzeltf first ship?



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knight_adam: goodbye

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knight_adam: goodbye

knight_adam: Cya laterz @all

Azurecyan: @knight_adam byee!! Here's a bag of cookies and cake with a twist! Come back again soon!

equations_: @Azurecyan WHERE MA PIZZ AT MAN

Azurecyan: @equations_ I forgot! *hands you chocolate spaghetti*


equations_: @Azurecyan *smacks you* I WANT PIZZA DUMBPOOP

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equations_: @Azurecyan *smacks you* I WANT PIZZA DUMBPOOP

ColourFluff: @Azurecyan I'm back!!

ColourFluff: This is probably the earlier I've ever woken up though (8 am)

Trane658: Did someone say party?



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Azurecyan: @ColourFluff hiiii!! @equations_ Pizza? Ohhh! You mean the Pits Ziti!

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Azurecyan: @ColourFluff hiiii!! @equations_ Pizza? Ohhh! You mean the Pits Ziti!


Lydiagr_: Hi to everyone on this post :)

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Lydiagr_: Hi to everyone on this post :)


Azurecyan: @Lydiagr_ @Trane658 party time!!

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Azurecyan: @Lydiagr_ @Trane658 party time!!

_EyesOfTheTigers: "Ever thought of what goes into your E-Cigarrete." No, not really. I don't even have one. Stupid ads e.e

equations_: @Azurecyan Ye si I want the pizza for the party

Azurecyan: @equations_ *Hands you Cheeseburger Pit Ziti and a pitcher of melted cheese* here you go! @EyesOfTheTigers lol those ads are ridiculous. Haven't seen ads in forever since I've used chrome and adblock. Makes me miss seeing the crazy ads on the sides

equations_: @Azurecyan thank u. *digs in*


Azurecyan: @equations_ I forgot to pour you a cup of spiders! *pours you a cup of spiders*

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Azurecyan: @equations_ I forgot to pour you a cup of spiders! *pours you a cup of spiders*

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