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Carmen’s POV

We had lunch together and all throughout the day I felt like floating in another world. WTF! Niall is my brother and I’m going to spend 6 months with 1D , including my celebrity crush!

During lunchtime I couldn’t help but laugh out loud because we had mashed potatoes and after his 4th plate or so, Niall looked at them and said: “I love you potato!” and Bea almost fainted again thinking it was to her!

“So, you’re going to spend 6 months with us?” I asked Zayn who was helping me wash the dishes.

“Yes lovely, we’re going to buy or rent some flats and we will stay in Spain anonymously.” He smiled.


“If we told anyone we were here or that you are Niall’s sister you’d be followed and you’re life and Bea’s would be made impossible and we don’t want that.” Oh, he thought about me! I love him sooooo much <3

Juat then Liam entered and asked: “Can we have a Toy’s Story marathon tonight? Please?” Since they were going to sleep in a hotel I’d decided to invite them and Bea to stay the night. It was going to be awesome.


“Truth or dare?” Harry asked enquiringly at Louis.

“DAREEEEE!!!!!” he shouted as he jumped from his cushion. We had all decided to sleep in the living room so we had collected all the cushions and blankets from the house, making the floor a giant bed. Bea had also brought some cuddly toys to use as pillows too and Niall was holding one to his chest. Adorable!

“I dare you to call Simon and ask him to bring some carrots here. Ask really loudly:” Zayn said raising his eyebrows. We all laughed. It was a really good dare because it was 2 am and Simon Cowell likes to slep…

“Erm… OK” he got his phone and put it in loudspeaker so we could all hear. “Yes?” Simon asked sleepily. “SIMON IT’S AN EMERGENCY!!!! SEND 100 KG OF CARROTS OVER TO SPAIN OR IF NOT I’LL DIE!!!” Louis yelled at the top of his lungs. “ARE YOU F*****G KIDDING ME!? IT’S FREAKING 2 AM! LOUIS, YOU MORON!” And he hung off as we laughed crazily.

After I licked Harry’s shoe, Bea messed up Zayn’s hair, Liam held a spoon for 2 mins, Niall stayed in his underpants for 10 mins(much to Bea’s liking) and Harry kissed Louis’ cheek, we decided to watch Toys’ Story 3. We had watched the other 2 but then Harry and Louis had a giggling fit over Buzz Lightyear’s voice and started repeating everything he said we decided to give it a rest.

We sort of lay-sat on the floor cuddled up all together. Harry fell asleep and Louis decided to draw him a moustache and write ‘CARROTS’ all over him. Liam was completely absorbed in the film and was cuddling a teddy bear close as he watched with his mouth open. How cute! Niall was sharing some leftover pizza with Bea. Meanwhile, I ate popcorn whilst resting my head on Zayn’s head as he talked to me.

“You know” he said. “Niall doesn’t share his food with anyone.2

“They make a good couple.” I mumbled.

“They will end up together, you wait and see2 he smiled his perfect smile.

The film ended and I cuddled close to Zayn as Bea did the same with Niall.

I could get used to this.

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