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•Veronica's POV•

-sorry in advance for my bad writing in this chapter I had little experience please read the other chapters and see that I have atleast improved a little :)-

After finishing curling my hair I turned the curler off and grabbed me black liner pen. I drew on my signature winged eyeliner and grabbed my phone to text Perrie, my best friend.

To:Peareee ;)

On my way. Which club you want to go to tonight? I was thinking Spray?..

I quickly typed out while running down the steps whilst strapping the velcro on my black high top Nikes. I opened the door and ran out side, I looked down at my outfit and smiled. I was wearing a Adventure Time shirt and jean short and lace leggings. I don't have the greatest fashion sense but I like it. I don't wear skanky club clothes to club, me and Perrie just wear normal everyday clothes. Perrie is my age and our birthdays are six days apart, I'm younger, she has purple wavy hair that falls to a little past her shoulders and we have the about the same piercings but Perrie doesn't like to have a lot so she has a few. We both have tattoos up and down our arms and we have the same fashion sense. We like to think that we were separated at birth then reunited. Punzel is our other friend but she is visiting Paris with her boyfriend.

I walked down the street fast trying to get to Perries flat which was two blocks down. I passed a cafe and smelt the fresh baked pastries and stopped. I smiled and turned for the bakery. I walked inside and got a small bag of green macaroons and paid the lady and left. I continued walking and grabbed out a macaroon. I took a bite and my eyes popped out of my head, it tasted like heaven. I was to rapped up in how good the macaroon tasted I didn't notice the guy running along the side walk, and sure enough he ran into my causing me to fall the the ground and all of the macaroons spilled out to the pavement.

"What the fuck?" I grumbled. I sat up and brushed off the crumbs and didn't bother looking up at the asshole.

"Sorry. Er." He rushed. I felt to hands pick me up and start running.

"What? Let go?! What are you doing?!" I panicked. I didn't know what was going on.

"Just shut up!" He growled. I was slung over his back while he kept running. I pounded his back and gave up.

After ten minutes of running he turned a corner to a alley way and slowed to a halt.

"Care to explain yourself?" I said angrily while smoothing the creases in my outfit.

"I was being chased."

"That's no reason to take me with you!" I chirped.

"I couldn't resist. I have never seen you around here." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well maybe because I ignore irrelevant dick heads like you."

"Woah, babe. Calm down. I just want your number." He held his hands up in defense.

"Why were you being chased?" I changed the subject. I finally started studying him. He had dark brown hair that looked like he just hopped out of bed, simple brown eyes, lip piercing, and tons of tattoos littered around his arms and torso. He had on a tight white short sleeves tee and skinny black pants where the butt sagged a little low but not to much. I had to admit he was gorgeous. In my opinion guys with a lot of tattoos are already hot.

"Don't change the subject." He smiled cockily.

"Im not giving you my number, so tell me."

"I took a guys bike." He chuckled lightly, and I laughed.

"That's stupid."

"Yeah, The name is Zayn by the way." He smiled and held out his hand.

"Veronica." I stated bluntl ignoring his attempt for a handshake.

"Cute. Give me your number babe and I'll let you leave."

"You can't just hold me captive here." I furrowed my eyebrows. He rose his as if saying 'you sure about that?'

I sighed, "Give me your phone." He handed me his simple iPhone 4. I typed in a number and have it back.

He took the phone and pressed it up to his ear, he took it away from his ear and smiled.

"That's not your number." He said.

I huffed and typed in my real number and started walking off.

"Wait!" He called after me. I swiftly turned around to find him a few inches away from me. Surprised I stumble back slightly. He chuckled and backed me up against the alley wall. His hands found my waste and I tried not to shiver under his touch, I didn't want him to be satisfied. He smiled and looked into my eyes before our noses touched. He brushed his lips against mine, right then I shoved him back hard. He stumbled then regained his balance.

"I give up. See you later." He winked and ran off.

I scoffed and walked out of the alley. I quickly called Perrie to tell her I would be late.

"Hello? V where are you?!"

"I'll explain when I get there. I will be over in a little bit."

"Hurry!" With that the line went dead.

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