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"Did you send her the video? " Jordan asked while sipping his orange juice. We are cucurrently at waffle house talking.

"Yeah it should arrive at her door step today. I cant wait to see he look on her face when she sees her mans dick in me."

"La'Asia you're nasty im trying to eat. And good because when she see's it she'll be heartbroken and leave him. Perfect."

"Great minds think alike" we gave a toast.


"Anthony!  Babe August is crying can you go to his room?!" I yelled from downstairs

"Why cant you do it!?"

"Because im feeding Abigail  and you're closer and doing nothing! "

"Fine" I heard him enter August's room.

"Aww Abigail you okay? You love your food huh? Well your food loves you" I pinched her cheek. She kicked her legs and giggled.

The doorbell interrupted our mommy daughter moment. I went to see who it was.

"Helli are you Brianna Johnson?" The man asked

"Yes why?"

"You have a delivery" he gave me the package and I sighed the papers, he left.

"Whats this?" I muttered to myself.

I went into the kitchen and got Abigail.

"You okay abby?" She smiled and yawned.

"You need a nap hun" I carried her to her room and rocked her. A few minites later she was fast asleep.

Time to see what this package is.

I went into the livimg room amd opened the package. It was a disk. Ok?. K guess I should play it. But what if its not or my eyes? Oh well it is because it was sent to me right? Alright. I put he disk in and waited for the video to begin.

Seconds later the video came on amd it was Anthony and La'Asia talking. The video then skipped and showed OH MY GOSH La'Asia and Anthony was fucking. She was riding him and he was so into it like he didnt have a lady at home.

The sight brought tears to my eyes and instantly I began crying. How could he?

I have been thw best to him. Did I do something wrong? Am I not doing something? Am I ugly?

What?! Why would he hurt me?!

"Bree babe what are we having for din-" Anthony said as he came downstairs. I turned and looked at him. Of looks could kill he'd be in a grave.

"Bree? Whats wrong?" I had turned off the tv so he didnt know.

"Anthony dknt out your fucking hands on me! For all I know they've been up in another girls vigina!" I uelled stepping away from him tears pouring.

"Brianna what are you talking about I would never do that to you"

   I was so confused.

"You would never do it to me? Huh?! The n whats this Anthony whats this?!" She clicked kn the tv and a video of me nd La'Asia having sex showed up.

"Bree im so sorry, I didn't mean to. She tricked me. I jever intended to have sex with her. I love you"

"Fuck your love Anthony!  You say it every day 'i love you I love you' but you end up not proving it. You hurt me once and I forgave you now you do it again. What did I do Anthony what?"

"Nothing, I went to her to speak to her"

"About what!?"

I couldnt tell her about whats going on nor my pass.

"I- I...cant tell you"

"I hate you Anthony!" She lunched my chest continuously. "I thought you loved me, us! Well I'll take my babies and leave!"

I didn't think and pinned her on the wall.

"You not taking my kids anywhere amd you're not going either, I didnt mean to fuck her I went to speak to jer and she came on me! I tried to resist but she pushed on me.

"You always have an excuse! Always! Its never 'oh I did it im sorry' its always 'it's not my fault' with you! I hate you Anthony I hate you! Get out of my life! All you do is hurt me!"

"Brianna I love you! Im sorry! " I kissed her but she didn't kiss back. Instead she pushed off me and ran upstairs.

"Bree! Im sorry!" I chased after her.

"Bree open the door!" I banged on the door but no repsonse.

You know what fuck this. I stepped back and kicked the door open. There she stood packing her bags.

"Bree what are you doing? You're not leaving me!" I started taking her clothes out of her suitcase.

"You know what IM NOT leaving! YOU are it is MY house anyways!" She starred packing my clothes.

"Bree im sorry please forgive me!" I got on my knees. Never have in my life begged for to a girl.

"Anthony you sicken you me! I gave you all my love amd ou threw it in the trash go to La'Asia I bet she can give you wjat I didnt!" Sje walked past me with my bags in her hands and I chased after her.

"Leave!" She slammed my bags down and pointed to the door.

"I will but can I say bye to my angels?"

"You have five minutes"


I walked upstairs and went to abigail first.

"Baby?" I held her in my arms as she slept.

"I love you babygirl, always have always will. I may or may not be in your life for a while bur just know I'll always be in your heart." I kissed her and a tear fell from my eye onto her face.

"Goodbye Abigail" I put her down and looked at the door. Bree stood there crying. I knew I hurt her but I have a good explanation but she doesn't want to listen.

I entered August's room next.

"Hey lil man, you're the man in the house now. Protect you sister and mother. Be the man that I couldn't for them. You are the splitting image of me man. I know there are going to be greater things for you in the future August Anthony Alsina. And I may not be there to spend it with you but trust me we'll meet again. I love you son. I wish you could say it back." I kissed him and put him down.

"Are you ready to leave?" Brianna said avoiding eye contact.


"Leave" I obeyed and walked downstairs to the door.

"Brianna I didnt mean to hurt you. There are many things that I've done in the past and I dont wamna bring it up. La'Asia isn't anything to me. I love you. She's history and I dont like history. I may not be able to convince you but I sure won't stop loving you"

"Anthony...stop making this harder than it already is. What you did is not a forgivable thing if you've done it before."

"Im sorry Bree, I truly very much love you. But you don't believe me do you?" I looked in her eyes.

"I wish I could, bye August."

"Bye Bree."

She closed the door and I entered my car and drove off.

I really fucked up. I may never be in my children lives. I began to cry.

Age doesn't matter, everyone makes mistakes. I'm Grown I should have had sense and known right from wrong.

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