Fire spell controll fire☯

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This spell is not meant to be played with it is seriously no joke really works

The flame might become small and hot and might burn out the candles string

Be safe can cause fire or burn your hand

If done right after you might feel a hot sensation on the right hand normal

Side Affects
Hunger dizzy feeling like throwing up smell flames and the new ability to control flames
For new fire controllers congrats on ur new ability Congrats on  your new ability

Let's begin
First if u don't know how to light it up telepathically use a match or what ever u use I used a match still working on the telepathy

Things u need any candle I used white

Matches lighter any thing even telepathy any thing that can light up a candle  

Then say once

ignis intrare mea clamavi et ductu Urihel angelus ejus et compescere famam operum quae inluminat

If didn't work first time don't quit it wasn't easy the first time until I really concentrated

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