A couple of years of go I had a dream of dark type creatures look like a vampire from the Rome Catholic book don't know the exact name of the book but It's in the Christian religion so those dark things where jumping over my church and so I fled from them I went to a house in the middle of a dessert and I saw a girl from my school with her dad on the second floor of the house yea surprised the pretty girl from your school shows up out of no where and it was dark and so I opened the door and some dark smoke appeared out of no where and I saw a bunch of faces in the smoke then I woke up and three days latter my aunt died but it wasn't the wired thing she new she wasn't going to live that year thank God she converted to the right religion and on the same week on the Saturday the priestess mom died but I'm glad they cause they went to a good place
Thx for reading
Blessed be
SpiritualSo many secrets in the universe I feel connected to them I feel that i can unlock them in i wish to shear them with you from spells to rituals to wicca to magic. I believe that every single religious thought every religion has a little part of some...