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And i still love him, better yet I'm still falling in love with him. Each second of everyday i fall deeper and deeper. I cant get him out of my head, hes there 24/7. I always want to hear what he has to say or about how he feels. I'm always willing to help him no matter what. This isn't even poetry, its just a paragraph written by a hopeless romantic. I hope he see's the way I look at him, how I stare in awe. But I hope he knows how I react to his touch on my skin, how it sends thousands and thousands of sparks through my body. I want to help him with everything, i want to be there. God I must sound mad to say this but if he asked me to leave with him... I would. In the blink of an eye I'd do anything for him. I'm currently talking to this dummy, he'll probably read it later idk. He's the only drug I want, the only person I'll ever want. 

Read these words carefully beloved, absorb each word and its meaning behind it.  But you know who this is about sharky.

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