
15 1 0

Josh Anderson

The beginning of September, one of the most busiest times of the year,or you know, as busy as it gets in such a small town .Books to be bought, clothes to try on,shoes to fit and bags to pack, because ,as you've probably already guessed by now,it was time to go back to school.
I'm not sure about other fifteen year old kids but for me, I find the pre-school drama, honestly quite traumatic .Its not that I don't like school, I do, in fact I love it. Its just the overall student body that I have slight trouble with. Most of the the kids are nice enough( emphasize on 'most') it's just the simple fact that I don't fit in. While the other boys in my year enjoy football and playful wrestling matches, I prefer to find a quiet corner and read a novel ,other kids have there nose buried in there phones,I'm running through my notes and memorizing what needs to be memorized.
What I'm trying to convey here is, I'm different. Not to say that I don't have any friends, I do - well sort-of friend, whatever, you get the idea. But before you jump to conclusions,let me say, I am not a geek. Its just that I prefer to be alone most of the time and not densely crowded areas.
Clinton High like most other high-schools is separated into different cliques or groups,There's the "Popular Gang",basically all the good-looking guys and girls,"Gossip Gang "who seem to want to get involved in everything and anything going on in people's personal lives,"Nerds/Geeks Gang"the ideal place for all the brainiacs "Not-so- popular clique "which speaks for itself and etc. etc.
A lot of people here thrive for success,recognition or popularity,even the popular people try hard to be popular, despite their nonchalant attitude. It is hard though, everyone, with the exception of few, everyone wants to make a name for themselves and to be known, perhaps even some part of me does.
That's why when I she arrived, we were all stunned. What others failed to achieve in months she managed the moment she appeared. Soon her name was all we had on our lips: Katrina Morgan
Autor's Note:
Firstly I would like to thank anyone who read this.Love u all*virtual hugs*Everyone feel free to comment, ideas, improvements,compliments, all is welcome, just go a little easy on me this is my first ever Wattpad Entry! I will continue, hopefully, if this goes well.
Lots of love,
-Shadow Queen

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