October 28th 2015 United Kingdom 20:34

13 1 0

Beth: It's really hot! OH I JUST BURNT MA TONGUE! Oh your starting it now? OMFG IT'S HOT huehueheuheu

Tom: What's hot?

Beth: My pot


Beth: NO STOP IT this is supposed to be our convo bruv. OH I FUCKING BURNT MYSELF, wait who the fuck says bruv?

Tom: Can I try your noodle?

Beth: WTF? no bitch. dirty scoundrill. I'M STRAIGHT, so is pasta until it's wet

Tom: Well everything changes when it thinks about getting soggy

Beth: I like soggy socks

Tom: Bitch tell me a story. Or a stroy

Beth: There once was a train, a girl named pieghagwoj was sat on this train. The driver was a pedophile hehehahaha. And he was eating pot. He started chocking and pieghagwoj saw this and ran over and said CHEW CHEW HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and in the corner you need to smoke some weed started playing dirty dancing the game. And rubbed his G-factor. You can tell the difference between us cant you Tom.

Tom: Da Fuq u on?

Beth: You're Grade A gorge and I look like a mouldy pinky toe nail you're like so good much beaut no camp divine pubes.

Tom: Well thanks but those pics are only a snapshot it's like the fucking amazon down there

*Beth slowly chuckles and starts breathing heavily*

Beth: I can't believe I just stabbed myself with a fork the funny thing is i missed my pot Hahahahahahahaaha

Tom: Do you wanna toot on my broken recorder?


Tom: Wateva Treva

Beth: whateva toots ya broken recorder

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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