17.Not Just One but Two

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Presents don't always make me smile. Because I've never really enjoyed all eyes on me. Or having other people talk about there daily lives. Which is not something people like to talk about.

Unless you're the girl who's daddy owns the dorms and the only school store. Yes you know who I'm talking about. My September 25th birthday was supposably the 3rd best party in Denver High School. Because the 'Coolest People' were there.

Like Sophomore Kyle came and wished Kathrine and I a Happy Birthday. And that those who were vegetarians had their own buffets. And what Zach told me was that they even Had East Wood High come and celebrate with us. Kathrine wasn't very happy hearing that from Isaac.

Well when you do hear that from you're ex-boyfriend nothing's surprises you anymore. I always had this feeling that there were more things that happens that nobody's telling me. Well at least Zach and I. I be be asking around but nobody is telling me or they don't know about it.

"Paris I'm sad!" I whined

"Why?" She sits in her seat next to me.

"I feel like people are hiding something from me." I groaned

"Because they are." Says miles flopping down in his seat.

"What is it?" I beg

"I'm not supposed to tell you till you find out."

"Stupid!" Zach has a magazine rolled up and whacks Miles with it.


"Wait you know what people aren't telling me?" I ask surprised

"I'm not obligated to tell you sweetie." Zach kisses the top of my forehead and sits Down in front of me.

I groan and barrie my face in my arms. The intier time I was wondering what people are hiding from me.

School ends and Zach said that he has a surprise for me.

"Zachary my birthday has already passed."

"Nope it's not from me." I can hear him smirking since my eyes are being covered.

"Oh my grandchild is so grown up!" I heard my grandma squeak

"Grana?" And my eyes are uncovered. I see a Royal Blue Nissan Versa that has a big Red bow on top. I also see a picture of My dad, mom, Kathrine and I in the front seat. Then a picture of my friends also with login hanging on the rear view mirror.

"Oh happy, happy birthday! We have all if a wish from you. Happy, Happy birthday from me to you. Sang my class in unison. I had gotten my drivers permit last February with my Grana. It excited me because since I turned sixteen I could get my drivers License.

"Grana omg! Thanks so much!" I screamed I saw that Kathrine as well got one herself. It was red instead if blue.

"I made an appointment to get you're drivers license today in about an hour from now. So let scidadle!" She jumps to the brand new car.

Zach pulls me into a kiss and whispers,"Happy Birthday" and smirks. His hot breath tickled my ear until he pushed me into the car and I drove off.

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