Part One

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          Welcome to my world. The life of a star. Girls dig me; boys worship me; Basically, I rock!

          I go through the same routine everyday. Wake up, get my groove on, pass by my favourite ice cream shop, and hang around some beautiful ladies.

          They probably think I'm annoying but eh, I'm awesome to me.

          "What's up, beautiful?" I wink at a girl standing in front of my favorite ice cream store.

          "Mummy!" she wails, breaking down in tears.

          "Whoa! Take it easy! I was only kidding." I try calming her down. Her Mum gently approaches from the corner so I quickly rush into ice cream shop. "Probably intimidated by my awesomeness." I convince myself as I approach the counter.

          The fact that my name which probably has a weird meaning; could be a total turn off, doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I'm just a kid. I could care less what my name sounds like at this stage.

          "I'll have two bubblegum ice creams please?"

          I spend all my allowance on ice cream, bubblegum to be exact. That's probably the coolest idea ever invented in this century. I mean, what could be better than ice cream?

         "I'm sorry," the woman at the counter says. "But we're out of bubblegum ice cream."

         "WHAT!?" I exclaim, staring at the fair faced lady at the counter, who is literally dropping a bomb on me. "Who are you?"

          "Oh!" she chuckles. "I'm new here. The other employees are out back in a meeting. So I'm stuck here, attending to customers."

          "Oh okay!" I nod my head. "What about Simo?"

          "Just like every other employee... Out back... In a meeting." She replies.

          "Okay, so..." I hesitate. "Can I have my bubblegum ice cream now?"

          "Oh no no!" she chuckles again. "I wasn't joking. No bubblegum ice cream left!"

          "No bubblegum ice cream!?" I exclaim, my eyes popping as I take a deep breath, the words echoing in my mind.

          Forget all that jumbo I said earlier about being a star. Girls don't dig me, Boys don't worship me, I'm just a weird kid who loves bubblegum ice cream. In fact, ice cream's my friend.

          Ice cream can't break your heart or abandon you, or leave you in the dark. Ice cream will always understand. But today is definitely not my day!

          "No no no!" I continue hastily, out of my trance. "I need another one!"

          "Well, I'm sorry," she says. "We just made and sold the last one."

          "Well, who did you sell it to?" I question.

          "That lovely girl over there." She points over to a girl sitting at one of the tables with something very precious in her hands. Bubblegum ice-cream.

           My quest for bubblegum ice cream officially begins. I watch as the bubblegum girl slowly turns, her blonde hair flipping, making her way for the... Oh my! Is this a dream? It's... It's just... Wonderful! And not the rich creamy look of my favourite ice cream; neither the bluish dripping colour; but... Her!

          "Who is that!?" I question, still dazed.

          "Oh! I don't know." The woman at the counter replies. "But she's pretty, huh?"
          "No, not pretty! She's an angel." I reply, smiling, still lost in the wonders of the the girl with my precious ice cream.

          My age doesn't really matter when it comes to all the beautiful ladies on earth. I'm a total ladies' man. Or so I tell myself.

         Still wondering who I am?

          "Hey, kiddo," the counter lady says. "What's your name exactly?"

           I smile meekly to myself. "I'm Blubber."

         "Blubber?" she questions, shocked.

         "Mm-hmm!" I continue. "And I think I'm in love... With That Bubblegum Girl!"


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