Chapter 3

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Harry's point of view

"Hello?! Lover boy! Come back from dream land!" I hear Louis ssuddenly snap me out of my day dream.

"Sorry boo-bear. Whats up?" I ask

"5 minutes until the concert. Are you think about thta girl again? Hope?" Louis teases back.

In fact I was. Her long layered hair, perfect legs, and being completly honest, her bum.

I'm not a big believer in "love at first sight" crap, but I know one thing, I'm in love with Hope.

"Hello?! Wes gots to go!" Zayn screamed in his 'vas appenin' voice.

"Yeah yeah! Comeing!" I screamed back running towards the stage for just a glance of Hope.


Let me be the one to,
Light a fire inside those eyes
You've been lonely
You don't even know me
But I can feel you cryin'

I didnt even realise I was staring at Hope the whole time. I think she noticed. Nice one Haz. I thought I could control myself but i guess not. She's definitely got a spell on me.

"Alrighty. Well, friend Harry," Louis screamed snapping me put of my thoughts uninvitedly, "would like to bring up a friend who he's been thinking about since they met 1 hour ago. Hope would you come up here?"

I mentally face palmed and slapped Lou on his arm.

I looked into the crowd embarrased and saw Hope as read as a tomato. It was adorable.

"Come on love! Don't be shy." Niall pushes.

"You don't have t-" I started to say but Zayn quickly covered my mouth.

The next thing you know Liam is picking her up from the crowd.

"H-hi.." she trailed off making us laugh causing her to cover her face embarrassed.

She's so cute. God her smile and her eyes. They are a mezmerizing brownish green. STOP! You know you can't have her Harry.

"Sorry" is all I can manage to lip to her. Her beauty intimidates me.

Hope's point of view

Liam is carrying me tp the stage uninvitedly. God I must be so heavy.

"H-hi..." I trailed off embarrased. I looked horrible and now I was standing in front of hundreds of people.

They all started laughing so I covered my face thinking I had something on my face.

"Sorry" Harry lips to me sweetly. He really is a flirt

They bring out a chair after introducing me and hugs and everything. Jackie texted me saying she had to leave 'family emergency'

I sit in the chair and they sing their last song 'What Makes You Beautiful'.

When its over, Harry picks me up and puts me on his strong, masculine, sweaty back and ran around stage and eventually put me down once we got backstage.

"Hello beautiful. We meet again." Harry flirted.

"Hi " I flirted back horribly.

He's so sweet, but I cant get too close. Something bad will happen to him.

You see ever since I was 13, I'm 17 now, every boyfriend I've had has gotten hurt. Not enough to kill them but still hurt. The reason why is beacause of the spirits.

Ever since I was 2 years old, I've been followed by spirits. Supposedly my heart is in the flower of darkness. With all the heartbreak I've been through, my heart was vulnerable by spirits because I was weak.

With every piece that falls, the closer I become to belonging to the spirit world.

"How are you love?" Zayn asks in his sweet British accent.

"U-um.. Fine." damn my stutter. They all chuckle.

Ba-ba-ba ba-na-nana. Its your phoone. Yeah someone called! My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID that read Dominic

*On phone*

Dominic:Where the hell are you?!

"I have to take this sorry" I tell the boys.

Me: At a concert w-
Dominic:Come home right now!
Me:I'm busy babe.
Dominic:Oh well! I need you home so we can go out and I need a date so I won't look like an idiot! An ugly date is better than no date Hope!
Me:No! I'm come with you Dominic! I'm tired of the physical and mental abuse you have given me for the past year and a half! We are THREW! Good bye Dominic!

*Ends phone call*

"I-is everything ok? I heard yelling from outside." Harry asked concerned. His one full of life cat green beautiful eyes were now blue, soft, and full of worry.

I guess he saw me crying. I mean after all my eyes must be red and puffy.

"Yeah?" It came out more of a question than a direct answer I hope I wasn't too loud. I mean these are complete strangers. I don't want them knowing about my personal life.

Wait! Where am I gonna stay?! My parents are dead and Jackie isn't in the best financial state either. I guess I'm calling the homeless shelter....

"I-I'll be right back Haz..." I feel so bad. I was supposed to be hanging out with them but I've been on the phone the whole time. God I'm a horroble person


Me:Do you have any open rooms for about a week?
Disttibutor:No sorry. All booked up sweetie.
Me:Oh ok. Well do you know anyone who does?
Distributor:No I'm sorry love

e:Oh ok. Thanks anyway.


I just burst into tears whispering over and over again 'Im homeless' and wheeping into my knees.

Harry ran out to my side out of nowhere, hugging me tightly.

"Its ok Hope. You can stay with us for as long as you need. Its no problem at all. Honestly it would be an honor tp have you live with us."


This sucks! Bye!

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