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I was waiting, lying on the ground struggling to move and struggling to breathe. My head hurt, my knees hurt, my body and my spirit hurt. I was down and out. Ready to give up.

But I couldn't.

I needed to survive this.

I would survive this.

I struggled to move, trying to stand without further damaging my knees.

Finally, I was up. I could see my apartment.

So close. You can do this.

Don't give up.

I started to move.

It's so painful a fresh round of tears start. The stinging on my scalp and knees intensified by a thousand. Walking was torture.

I limped forward.

So close.

I saw her. The woman from under the bed. Crouched low and sitting beneath a tree out in front of my apartment building.

She smiled again, that same sinister smile. And then she opened her mouth, fresh rips forming in her face.

I limped past her and luckily she didn't follow me, just tilted her head at an unnatural angle, smiling the entire time she watched me go by.

So close.

Up the steps and into my building.

So close.

Up the elevator to my floor.

So close.

On my floor, the creature that pulled me out of my room was at the opposite end of the hallway away from my door.

He too grinned a grin as evil as the gray lady.

I finally unlocked the door.

So clo-

The dog. It was on the opposite wall, close to the window when I opened my door.

It snarled before it started to change. It's bones started breaking and cracking, growing taller and wider.

It formed fully: the winged creature.

It was a dark green color, and had slimy looking skin. It's mouth was closed, but I assume it's teeth matched its friends.

His eyes were the same yellow-green color as the dog, which made sense, since they were the same being.

It's wings were wide, as wide as my apartment and curling inward to make room. They were almost translucent, I could see the veins inside them even in the dim lighting of the room.

He too locked eyes with me, and smiled sinisterly.

I limped on, grateful when I reached my room. I locked the bedroom door and turn to the vanity beside it.

I grabbed the cross necklace my grandmother sent me, holding it tightly in my hands as I rushed over to the bed.

I sat on it, scraped knees to sore chest, as I prayed.

For a while I thought everything would be fine. Nothing had happened in at least a half an hour.

But they weren't done playing their games.

Suddenly, the eery creak of the closet door pulled me from the protection of my knees.

It was slow, so slow I wasn't even sure if it was actually opening or if I was losing my mind.

But then I saw it.

It crawled out slowly, crouched down, sitting on its feet with its hands between its knees.

It was white, so white it was almost glowing in the dull room.

It's eyes were dark, like onyx, and lidless. It was wide eyed and staring right at me.

It's grin was so wide it looked fake, painted on by a professional.

I couldn't stand to look at it any longer, it sent chills up and down my spine, so I buried my face in my knees and started to pray aloud.

"Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever." I prayed over and over, repeating it like a mantra.

I look up and the ghostly white figure was still approaching. Crawling, moving in the same ape-like manner. I change up my prayer, raising my voice,

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." I chanced a look over, and it was closer.

"I WILL FEAR NO EVIL: FOR THOU ART WITH ME; THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME!" I yelled, putting my face back into my knees once again and gripping the cross necklace so hard I was leaving an indention of it in my palm.


"AMEN, AMEN, LORD PLEASE! PLEASE PROTECT ME!" I could hear the hysteria in my voice and whether or not this thing could "smell" fear like every other cliché beast, it was obvious in the crack in my voice. It wouldn't take much to know I was afraid.

I felt it then, the dip in the bed. As it climbed up there with me.  It sat the foot of my bed, less than 3 feet away.

I felt it moving closer as the pressure on the bed slowly began to reach my feet, but I refused to look up.

"Please.. Lord.. Please." I sobbed one last time.

Icy fingers traveled up my leg, moving closer to my hair and face.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and released the most blood curdling screech as it finally encircled me in its grasp.


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