The Start of an Adventure

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It was a warm summer day in Miami, Florida. I was packing my bags, because I was going on a kids/teens only cruise with my best friend in the world, Lakota. I was zipping my bag up when my mom yelled up to me.

"Justin, hurry up or you are going to miss your boarding time! Don't forget we have to pick up Lakota on the way," she said.

"Okay mom, I will be right down," I yelled down to her. I grabbed the suitcase off of my bed, and slung my backpack over my shoulder as I walked out the door. I proceeded to walk down the stairs to the kitchen where my mom probably was. I walked in and she gave me a plate of food.

"Sit," my mom said in a voice I would not disobey. "Now on the cruise I want you to promise me that you will stick with Lakota, the entire time, okay?" She asked me as I had a mouthful of food. I swallowed and looked at my mom.

"Yes mom, I will stick with Lakota. I will not lose her, on the ship," I said with a mouth half-full of food.

"Okay," my mom said grabbing her keys of the kitchen counter. She then started to walk towards the door. I took my last bite of food, put the plate on the counter, grabbed my bags, and met my mom in the car. As soon as the car door closed my mom started to drive out of the garage.

When we got to Lakota's house, I got out of the car to tell her that it was time to go. I walked up the drive way towards her front door. I held my hand up, and as I was about to knock, Lakota pulled the door open. She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi Justin," she said in a whisper, "are you super excited?" Lakota was super excited, and I could tell. She would give me hugs, but not like this one. She hugged me for a good ten to fifteen minutes. Lakota has been my best friend ever since I could remember. She was the only person I could really be myself around. I was really a shy, quiet person, but when I was with my friends they made me seem super loud and obnoxious.

"Loki, we are going to miss boarding if we keep hugging. We can hug while we are waiting, but my mom is going to kill me if we don't get going, okay?" I said to her. She just nodded her head.

"Okay, can you help me with my bags?" she asked pointing to her big suit case.

"Yeah, sure," I said with a huge smile on my face. I grabbed her suit case and brought it out to the trunk of my car.

"Thanks Justin," she said. She grabbed her purse and her backpack, and got in the front seat. It didn't bother me to much, I would rather her talk to my mom instead of my mom trying to embarrass me. Plus they could talk about girl problems.

I sat back, leaning my head against the window, watching the world pass us by. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. How did something so beautiful come from the society we live in today? People have started wars for the sake of world peace. Somehow, I couldn't see how it was a solution to the problem.

Soon I realized that we were at the docks. And my mom had been trying to get my attention for the past two minutes. Key word there being trying. I realized, and got out of the car to help a struggling Lakota.

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Here I got it, let me do it," I said taking over. I was able to take the suit cases out in one fluid motion. Lakota just glared at me, and I felt slightly scared for my life.

"What?" I asked her. She just groaned at me. I gave her her suit case, and grabbed mine. We both gave my mom a hug.

"Bye mom, thanks for taking us," I said, "I will miss you. I love you."

"You are welcome! Have fun on the ship!I love you too. I will see you in two weeks. What's the worst that could happen?" she told me and Lakota. We just looked at each other and laughed. Loki and I walked into the little building that had security, and the ramp to get on the ship. We both went through security together, and got our sail and sign cards, which would let us get into our rooms on the ships. They also let us buy items, and let us get on and off the ship.

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