Lakota to the Rescue!

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Lakota was the first person I saw. I was extremely confused about what was going on. When her eyes landed on me she had a worried expression on her face. Her eyes were questioning if I was okay, or would be okay. I gave her a subtle shake of my head. I also shrugged my shoulders slightly.

After that she started to swim over. I looked at her, like she was a crazy lunatic. Which she might have been, but she was very logical about everything. So at least I knew that she had a plan, but it did little to comfort my hectic nerves.

"Excuse me kind sir," Lakota said as she swam up to Icarus, "but you seem to be in possession of someone that belongs to me. He is under my super vision, so I would like to bring him back with me."

"Listen lady there is no way that I am just going to hand him over to you, so beat it," Icarus said rudely to Lakota.He didn't even look at her, he just brushed her off and turned back to the conversation with the lady at the desk.

"Well, that was not a very nice way to tell me to back off. But I am not going to, so you can give him over to me willingly or I will use force to take him from you. It is a simple choice, the easy way or the hard way," she said very sweetly. I knew not to be fooled by her sweet talk. She is very serious when she says that there is an easy way and a hard way. I learned that the hard way was not a good way to go. Sadly Icarus did not agree with me.

"Ha, I would like to see you try to take him from me little girl," Icarus said with a smug look on his face. He slowly turned to face her and he started to laugh. There was his fatal mistake. One thing that I have learned about Lakota over the years is never to come of smug or laugh at her in her face.

Icarus did both of those things. I shook my head slowly from side to side. Lakota whistled to someone outside. I saw Nigel come in and after him was Chris and Raven. They came over to Lakota.

"These people will not give us Justin willingly, so we have to take him by force," Lakota said to the others. They just laughed at Icarus's stupidity. Then Lakota moved her hands to show that she was going to attack. Apparently the rest of the group also saw that, so they all charged at the same time.

"Ah, Gabe and Josh protect me," Icarus squealed as he swam behind me. Josh and Gabe pushed me behind them. Icarus grabbed me and pulled me with him.

"Lakota!" I screamed, but it came out as more of a stage whisper. I wanted her to know that she was pretty much wasting her time fighting Gabe and Josh. Like always she knew what I meant and she let Chris and Raven take over fighting Gabe and Josh, and she motioned for Nigel to come with her.

Icarus covered my mouth with his hand. "Your friends are brave but they don't know what they just cost you," he said. He took his hand off of my face. I stayed quiet, because I was not sure what is going to happen next. I then let out a scream of pain. I let out an unearthly, bloodcurdling, strangled scream. My vocal cords were shot because of all the screaming Icarus put me through in the van. Icarus had heated his hand to white hot and pressed it into a hand mark that he already made. Lakota fallowed the sound of my scream and whipped around the corner and stared at the sight before her.

I glanced up at her. I was in a ball, trying my best to make the pain subside. She was still left in the water at a standstill and I saw Icarus start to throw a fire ball at her.

"Lakota, Icarus has the power to throw fireballs," I shouted, with the best of my ability, to her. She snapped out of her daze and focused on Icarus. Icarus cursed under his breath and whipped around, and lunged at me.

Icarus pulled me in front of him and covered my mouth with his hand. So I did what most people in this situation would do. I bit his hand, he let out a yelp and pushed me away from him. I turned around to face him. He then slapped me hard across my face. I fell to the floor. I brought my damaged tail to my face to make sure that it was okay. Icarus laughed and he started to make some comment on how I was worthless and not a true man.

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