Chapter 19

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"Damn it Ryan stop it!" I command and suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks. I start to walk away from him, and he follows me like a puppy though I can still tell he's still mad. "Kimberly wait!" But I ignore him. He grabs me by my wrist and pulls me into his embrace. "I'm sorry baby. I'm just trying to protect you. I knew that guy was bad news the moment I saw him." He says as he pulls up my chin to look at him and is surprised to what he sees. "What?" I say confused. "Your eyes... They're gray!" He says shockingly. "What? Ryan what are you talking about?" I ask him.

He takes out his phone snaps a photo of my eyes and shows it to me. "Are those really my eyes?" I say looking up at Ryan. He nods. "I have never seen this before but I have heard of eye color changing in human form rather than werewolf form." "Really? Do you know who can tell us about this?" "My father. He knows about this exact situation. Maybe he can te" We get home and Ryan goes into the music room to call his father.

"Ryan! How are you doing bud?"

"I'm doing well dad. Uhh can I ask you something it's really important."

"Sure bud what's up?" 

"Well... One of the band members bit his girlfriend to make her become a werewolf like us but her eyes are starting to change color in her human form as well as her werewolf form." 

Ryan's father sighs, "Son you don't have to lie to me. I already know what's going on." 

"You do?" 

"Yes son. I do. The same thing happened to you when you were growing up."

"What? Dad what are you talking about? I was born a werewolf." 

"Exactly son. But your eye color was brown when you were a boy." 

"What? I thought they were always green?" 

"No son. They started off brown but as you were training, your eyes quickly changed to green." 

"Dad, what does it mean exactly?" 

"When a person's eye color changes to green or gray it means that they will become a powerful werewolf."

"Wow! Dad really? Is this rare?"

"Yes Ryan, it's a one in a million chance that a person's eye color changes from brown to green or brown to gray." 

"Okay dad thanks for the info and tell mom ill visit her soon." 

"Will do bud. I love you son."

"I love you too dad. Bye"

He hangs up the phone. "So? What did he say?" I ask him anxiously. "My eyes weren't always green." He says looking up at me. "What?" "Even though I was born a werewolf, my eyes were actually brown they just turned green as I started training." "So what does that mean?" "It means, that I will become a powerful werewolf and so are you." "What?" "It's rare but it's true. But it's extremely rare that we would meet." He says. He pulls me closer and says "I'm really glad we bumped into each other baby." He kisses my forehead. "I love you Ryan." "I love you too babe." He says.

"We have to continue training." "Yes sir. What exactly are we gonna do today?" I ask innocently. "Well... Today I'm going to teach you how to fight in both human form and wolf form." I swallow hard. "I'm gonna fight you?" I say nervously. "Yes." He says sternly. "But I don't wanna hurt you." I say to to him sadly. "I know baby. I don't want to hurt you too, but I have to teach you everything I know in case something ever happens to me." Ryan said answered.

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