Chapter 43

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"Ryan what's going on?" I'm stunned. "Come." He says grabbing my hand and we go inside. The house is huge. It had a piano in the living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a game room, a recording studio and in the back there was a huge underground pool the most amazing thing I have ever seen. "Ryan this house is beautiful. Is this house yours?" I ask. 

"No. it was my house. But it's our house now." He says hugging me by my waist. "What?" I say in shock. "Yeah this is going to be our house." "Oh Ryan, it's beautiful of course I'll move with you to Denver." I say kissing him romantically. "I love you Mrs. Tedder." He says to me holding me in his arms. "I love you to Mr. Tedder." I say laying my head on his chest. 

An hour later. We leave the house and decide to walk to back to Denver boulevard. There were girls in the area who would call out Ryan's name and he would just wave to them. He held my hand and whispered in my ear, "I'm so happy I bumped into you on the street." And kissed me. We continued walking and suddenly I had the urge to ask him, "Honey, is this our honeymoon?" Ryan stops walking and turns to me, "Do you want this to be our honeymoon?" He asked. "Sweetie I don't mind where we go to as long as we're together." I say giving him a peck on the cheek. 

"Well that's good because you and I are going to be traveling Europe. With the band of course." He says coolly. "Ryan, are you serious?" I say smiling at him. "Of course I am I need to protect you honey from crazy people like Jack." Suddenly my mind goes back to the horror. Seeing Ryan hanging on the metal hook, his blood all over him. My eyes to swell up. "Honey please don't cry." He says pulling me into his embrace and kissing my hair. "It's all my fault." I say burying my face in his chest. "No honey it's not your fault." He says wiping the tears off my face. 

"When I woke up from getting hit in the head. Jack had a camera on you where you were hung from a metal hook and you were bleeding everywhere." I say looking up at his eyes. "What happened?" I squeak.  "Do you really want to know?" He asked. 

I nod. "Okay, after that girl threw that drink at you and you chased her, I smelled some trouble heading your way so I ran after you and by the time I got to the parking lot, they were already dragging you inside this black car. I tried to stop the guy that was dragging you, I got jumped from behind. I was fighting them off but more guys showed up and I couldn't phase because I was weak. I tried to call out for Brent but instead August came out. I yelled at her to run but they caught her. She tried to fight back but they hit her in the back of the head and threw her in the car with you." 

His eyes start to swell. "Kim I swear I tried to save you and August. I really did. I got up and continued fighting and then out of nowhere That son of a bitch Jack snuck up behind me and gave me a low blow. I fall on the ground and i felt blows to my stomach. I think Jack and his henchmen were kicking me. Then I can't really remember what happened. I remember just calling out your name but I couldn't move. Then my mind went blank again. And then I woke up in the hospital with you sleeping next to me." I wrap my arms around him as tightly as possible. 

"Ryan please don't cry." I plead. We stand there embracing each others company for what seem like hours. "I love you Kim." He said. "I love you too Ryan." I say wiping both our tears with my fingers. We both get settled.  "Come on babe it's getting late and we should start getting home." He said squeezing my hand.

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