17: What's Going On? You Tell Me

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***Wade's POV***

My head is pounding. Why does it hurt so much? What's going on?

You tell me.

Woah, what the hell? Since when was there another voice in my head?

Since you almost died.

Excuse me? I almost did what?

Almost died. I'm you, just a different version. Still you, just slightly better. Call me Deadpool.

Deadpool? That sounds so stupid.

I got that from your mind, Wade Wilson. You call me stupid, you're calling yourself stupid.

Then I'm stupid for thinking of the name Deadpool.

Now that I think about it, you are kind of stupid. We need to work on our grades in Algebra, don't we Wade?

Um, yeah. I mean, I have a D in that class, so it's not like I'm failing.

You actually have a D-, which is very close to an F. I don't want to fail Algebra, so we should fix that.

You confuse me.

Actually, you're confusing yourself then.


I'm not anyone else. I'm just another entity in your head, kind of like a parasite, but I might be helpful, unless you're being a dick. Then I won't help.

So you're basically my morals in mental-voice form?

Now you're getting it!

Okay... So are you going to tell me why I almost died and you showed up?

I actually don't know what happened. I'm guessing it's because we touched the arc reactor. I think that caused some sort of shock or something and now we're unconcious. Hey, did you ever notice how uncomfortable this bed thing is?

Bed thing?

Yeah, the bed thing we're on. I think it's a cot or something.

Shut up so I can focus!

On what?

Oh, I don't know, maybe trying to regain counsciousness? Ever think about that?


Shut up.

Deadpool went silent and I focused really hard on trying to wake up. After a while I could hear things, just muffled, and I could feel stuff. There was someone laying on my arm and there was another person touching my hair. I wanted to wake up, to just spring up and surprise everyone with not being dead. I really wanted to, but I couldn't.

Have you ever been stuck in your own head? Perfectly able to hear and feel and smell, but you can't move or see anything. It sucks. All you have is your thoughts, and in my case, an irritating voice in my head.

Hey! I'm not irritating!

I told you to shut up!

God, does he ever learn? I continued trying to wake up, and I think I managed to make my finger twitch. I must have done something like that because the person laying on my arm moved and grabbed my face. It kind of hurt, but it's most likely Peter or my dad, so I'm not really complaining.

Cause you like him.

Pardon me?

Peter. You like him.

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