Chapter 3

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In three days, my life shall be uprooted yet again. YAY. (sense the heavy sarcasm). Why couldn't I just be like normal teenagers with long time friends and year old routines? My friends were interchangeable in a way, for I moved way too often for my liking. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when my friends of the moment sat down in a group and reminesced about the good old days, and I would just sit there, on the sidelines, feeling completely left out. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling and seeing new places and and meeting new people and learning about new cultures. The fact that I have to leave my friends behind blackens the painting slightly.

Those were the thaughts that traveled through my mind as I was walking back home, the caffeine having lost lost its effect on my emotionally tired body.

When I got home, it was empty. No suprise there I guess. My parents had met at work and were both very driven people. They had fallen in love (I know, I have no idea how that happened either) and had eloped after a year on courting. Ten months after the wedding, me voila au monde (A.N.: That means here I am in this world, sounds better in french though). But my birth changed nothing to their routine, and I was, more often than not, left alone at home.

I lounged in front of the TV, not in the mood to start packing, allthough with my experience, I had become a pro). The highlight of my day was definitely the whole "coffee-pouring-on-stranger" episode, and I couuldn't help but giggle at the incident. Oh well, it's not like I'll see him again anyways.

A couple of hours later, my doorbell rang, probably signaling the arrival of my crazy but big-hearted friend Eve. I opened the door and- Oh! Aren't I psychic?

"Hey Eve, whatsup? Come on in, nobody's home" I added that last detail for her because she was deathly intimidated by my parents- especially after the "breaking-my-mom's-favorite-vase-by-trying-on-her-new-dancemoves-in-her-underwear" incident. I still crack up at the memory months afterwards.

"Yo Tammy, I'm good. Oh thank God, I still can't handle being around your parents babe. They scare me shitless", she said, walking over the treshold and hoping on the couch.

I decided I'd tell her later on, for I wanted to enjoy my sparse time left here. I taught I'd tell her about the coffee incident though, just to get a laugh out of it, but ommited thee part about visiting my grandma, saying instead that I was out running errands.

She ended up cracking up and calling the guy an- I quote "unatentive walking dick with no sense of humor what-so-ever" . She swears like a sailor, but I love her all the same. We settled on watching a horror movie, and laughing at all the blood and gore as we always did, but all too soon, I had to drop the bomb.

"Eve honey, I need to tell you something.", I said facing her on my bed

"Ouh, did you finally hook-up with that hot guy you told me about? You know I'm totally okay with you dating hot college guys with cute asses, especially if they're british exchange stu-" she rambled on, unaware of the predicament I was in. I cut her off quickly,

"It's not about any guys you moronic, perverted alien!" I yelled, " My grandmother- the rich frigid cow-yeah, that one, wants to perfect my education -I'm using her words here, not mine, by sending me to a posh private boarding school in Switzerland. I'm leaving in three days because school starts earlier there, in a week actually.", I finished, tears welling in my brown eyes.

I saw Eve's doll-like feature contort in sadness as she pulled me into a hug and said "Oh sweetie, at least you'll gorge yourself in chocolate, cheese and watches!"


Yo everyone! New chapter, longer than the previous ones I think, can't be sure though because I'm writing from my sisters one which has a computer-like keyboard but a puny screen that has bloinded in this hour of the night -.-

I hope you like where my story's going, I'm sorry this may seem like a filler chapter, but I needed to show you what Tamara is actually leaving behing by going to Switzerland.

What do you think if Eve so far? And Tamara? And my story in general?! I NEED ANSWERS!!! *hysterical voice of a madman that sounds like Homer Simpson*

If you don't know or like The Simpsons, they you don't know what you're missing.


Comment.Vote.Fan. But only if you want to :)

Sarah <3

Tamara; Sleep DeprivedWhere stories live. Discover now