Chapter 11

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As we walked in and sat, I scanned the area, noticing that most of the people here were young enough to go to my school. In my quick surveillance round I saw the only two people I did not want to see; Callum, sitting with a bunch of guys, laughing and joking around; and Louis, flirting shamelessly with a pretty brunette. 



I ducked in my seat I covered my face with my hair. You might think it's not that big a deal, but I just knew that if one of them ever recognized me, catastrophe would occur. 

Okay so I'm being a little over-dramatic, sue me. 

"Uh, what are you doing? Ohmigosh is your ex-boyfriend here? If he is we should totally try to make him jealous or something" Jessica ranted, a little too loudly

"Jessica, shut up! I would really like to end this day without anymore incidents." I replied, sinking further in my red upholstered seat. 

"Could you bring me up to speed please? You just came, like, 10 hours ago. Talk about arriving with a bang" she said, surprised that I had managed to mess this up so quickly. 

So I updated her on everything that happened: from "meeting" Callum back home to sounding like his girlfriend  in front of Louis

"Ohmigosh. So now you're faking a relationship with the one the two hottest guys in school and you're being chased by the other one. Oh great master. Teach me your ways." She said fake-bowing in front of me. I decided to play along.

"Young grasshopper, you have much to learn." I mocked. We looked at each other and then erupted with laughter. Loud, noticeable laughter. 

So much for staying on the down-low. 

Louis and Callum both glanced our way. The first looked at me with appreciation, the latter with anger. I didn't know which one I preferred 

I locked eyes with Callum, feeling slightly hurt by his angry gaze. I mean was it that horrible to be stuck with me? Sheesh, you’d think I were a leper by the way he was looking at me. I don’t know why it affected me so, but it did.  And I didn’t like it.

And then things got moving. Louis left his table and starting walking towards mine. I know it was crazy, but I couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment at the fact that it was him and not Callum.

“Hello ladies.” He said, sliding on our booth “How are you doing on this wonderful evening? Care for some company? A shoulder to cry on?  A lover to get over your past boyfriends? A person to keep your bed warm and your clothes off?  I can be anyone you want me to be baby” He finished winking at the both of us, his light French accent making the words roll out f his tongue seductively.

Wow, did the boy think of anything else?

“Hmm… I am in the mood for a bit of action tonight. How about it Louis?” I turned to Jessica, willing her with my eyes to play along “How about you Jess? I don’t know if I can take this big bad boy all by myself… “I said drifting off, hoping she would get the gist.

“Oh yes! I wanna have a go at Blondie. You like it rough, don’t you Louis?” She purred leaning forward, exposing her cleavage. I could barely hold my laughter and when our eyes connected, I was done for. We erupted in laughter, clutching our stomachs and gasping for air, while poor Player Boy was looking at us helpless, confused by the situation. After a moment though, he caught up with the joke and his ears turned red, from embarrassment I hope. He got up, looked at the both of us still laughing our jaws off and said “Crazy-ass bitches” quietly before walking back to his date.

Wow, rude much? Who leaves their date hanging so he can go hit on other girls? Sick-o.

I looked back at Callum, but he didn’t look my way, too busy talking with his friends. It looked like a pretty intense conversation. Does the boy ever have fun?

It turns out Jessica is really cool. I feel like we could be great friends. Looks like my dark cloud finally found a silver lining.

We drove back to campus and headed to our dorm, where we each retreated to our sleeping quarters.

Well don’t I sound posh? And I’ve only been here a day.

I switched on my laptop and connected to Skype, and Eve was online, sending me a video call request as soon as I signed in. You gotta give it to the girl, she's fast. 

"Yo Evie! You're awake! How are you? I've missed like hell woman!" I said cheerfully.

"Meh. Could be better. Things are really different without you around babe" She said sadly. Wow. I haven't seen Eve this bummed out since Fluffy died. Fluffy was her 3-year pet goldfish. Yeah I know, I don;t get the name either. When he dies, instead of flushing him out, she made me and her family dress in black and write an obituary for his funeral. He was buried in a Louboutin shoebox in her garden. Oh how I wish I was buried in a designer shoe box. 

 "Don't say that! Now you can let Vince consume all of your time, along with your innocence..." I drifted off, waggling my eyebrows mischeviously at her. Vince was her 3 months boyfriend. He was in college in the same city and they were pretty hot and heavy, much to my disgust. 

"I don't know about him anymore. He's been cooling off lately. We haven't done the deed in five days. FIVE days!! We've never gone this long since we strated dating! I can't him break it off, I'd rather do it first. In fact, I'll do it right now before I lose my guts. I'll talk you you tomorrow" She smiled apologetily at me and ended the converstation. 

I was happy for her. I've never liked Vince. He seemed too... erased, shady even. Eve was anything but that. She was bubbly and funny and spontaneous and downright crazy at times. But I loved her. She needed someone with attitude, someone who could rein her down when she got to crazy. Someone who could protect her when she got in trouble. I don't know how Vince stuck around for so long. 

I brushed my teeth and changed into my PJs and snuggled into the big bed. Sinking in a deep slumber. 

That night, I dreamt of two boys. Although I couldn't see their faces, I knew to which one I belnged. I was dressed in a 1800's fashion and was courted by the two men. The first showed much eagerness and charm, swiping me off my feet. The other though, was always elusive, mysterious, never making his intentions clear, and spoke in cryptic little messages. When the first claimed my hand, I couldn't help but feel disapointed and sad. Then all of a sudden a unicorn swooped in, turning Prince Charming into today's Shich-kabab. 

I woke up startled, with a bug WTF on my mind. What on earth was that about? 

Today was the first day of school, and I was apprehensive. Would they like me? Would they consider me as an outcast considering my novetly? The dream went deep into the recesses of my mind as I considered my newwest issue. Getting ready in the uniform given to me, i gave myself a pep talk saying that it would all be okay. I had breakfast with Jessica and I walked out of the room, to meet Callum by me locker before the bell rung, signaling the true beginning of the nightmare.



Ohmigosh I am SO sorry for taking this long to upload! School is starting soon,and I'll be a senior so I signed school for this summer program that eats up all my time and I'm just super duper sorry. 

I promise I will NEVER EVER make you wait this long. Cross my heart and hope to die 0:) 

Tell me what you think, I accept criticism, as long as it's constructive. 

Oh and 500 READS! You guys ROCK!!! 

With love, 

Sarah <3

The picture on the side is of Tamara.

The video is of the song "I Love Playing With Fire"by The Runaways. It kind of explains Tamara's situation and how she's well.. playing with fire and toying with disaster. 

Tamara; Sleep DeprivedWhere stories live. Discover now