Chapter 1

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"Wake Up Sonic!" A voice from behind the bedroom door called, "We're going to be late!"
Groaning the blue hedgehog rolled over under his covers, curled into a ball on his knees, and finally admitted defeat, scratching his quills as he stretched, and appearing from under the covers.
He looked around his room sleepily, scanning over the piles of sports junk laying around, the closet whose clothes were sticking out of the door, the desk covered in papers excluding the small rectangle where his laptop went, and over the dressers with shampoos and deodorants, hair brushes, and other unnamed objects.
Finally he turned to the alarm clock perched on the window sill and blinked.
It was 10:45...
He jumped out of the bed and in a blur of blue movement he had grabbed his shower stuff and ran out his bedroom door and to the bathroom, and soon a cloud of steam was crawling its way from under the door.
Down stairs Knuckles was waiting for his two housemates on the couch, glancing from the TV to his watch every five minutes.
"Hurry up you two!"
"I'm almost ready Knuckles-sama."
Knuckles glanced up to the kitchen door, where Tails was nibbling on a piece of toast as he was grabbing on his jacket and backpack.
"Now we have to wait for the idiot" Knuckles grumbled tapping his foot.
Knuckles at age 21 was the oldest of the group of three, and therefore felt responsible for his two friends. Especially Tails who was only 16, but graduated from high school 2 years early. Sadly enough Tails was probably the most mature out of the bunch. He was usually the one to break up the childish squabbles that he and Sonic would have on a regular basis.
Knuckles glanced at his watch again and leaned forward sighing.
He just heard the shower head turn off and Sonic was already in his room getting his stuff for school.
"Common, lets start going; Sonic can always catch up with us."
"Okay! Sonic we're heading out the door!"
"Alright" came his muffled voice, and Tails and Knuckles stepped out into the streets outside of their shared house.
It was autumn in the city of Westopolis.
The different colored leaves littered the ground causing a canvas of orange and red and yellow against the green of the almost bare trees and grass.
As they walked they greeted familiar faces; some friendly, others not as much.
"Ah! I see Rouge over there" Knuckles mumbled as he spotted the white bat.
Silently he tip-toed behind her and just as he was about to launch a surprise pounce, he found himself heaved off the ground by his arm and was flipped over, slamming into the ground on his back.
"Good morning Knuckle-head"
She leaned forward so her face was right over his where he laid on the ground
"Hello Rouge."
She grabbed his other arm and helped him up as the people passing walked around them laughing.
Both out of embarrassment and pain Knuckles rubbed his neck.
"Oww; that actually hurt a little."
"Well you shouldn't have snuck up on me!"
They grinned at each other and Knuckled pulled her in a one armed hug just as another friend Cream the rabbit appeared skipping up to them delightedly.
"Good morning everybody~" She said sweetly.
"Hey girly; what's up?" Rouge asked as she leaned her arm on Knuckle's shoulder.
"Nothing much Ms. Rouge; aren't you guys excited to be back?"
"Oh yea, we're real excited; just another year of being buried in work, getting no sleep, and having to deal with stupid teachers."
They all grinned at this, and just as Cream was asking "Where's Mr. Sonic"
There was a slight breeze as the blue hedgehog skidded to a stop beside his best buddy.
"Someone call my name? Hey Cream, Rouge."
"Hey Sonic; how are you?"
"Ah, same old same old."
He glanced over at the school clock.
"Whoa; is it that late already?"
"Well yea you idiot; you wouldn't wake up"
"But I'm the fastest thing alive! How could I be late for a stupid class?"
Grumbling, he and Tails and Cream moved towards the building.
"So, where does it say we have first Tails?"
"Ummm, we have chemistry first."
"Oh no! With Mr. Binns?"
"It doesn't say, but I'm guessing so."
They dropped Cream at her first class; Dance, and headed down the hallway to the history lecture room.
On the way they greeted and passed by Nurse Amy, the pink hair teacher who also acted as substitute sometimes when her colleges were out.
"Hey you two; Ready for another year?"
"As ready as we'll ever be!"
As they passed they could hear several more students greeting her.
She was definitely one of the most liked staff members at the school besides homeless Joe; the assistant couch who sometimes slept at the school.
Sonic and Tails had just sat down in the classroom as the bell rung, and immediately Sonic went to staring outside the window he was sitting next to as Tails took out his notebook a pen and paper ready for class to start.
After a while a few more stragglers came in, and some of the students were sitting, others were standing around talking, and a couple of guys in the corner were gambling.
After about ten minutes the class had become rowdy and some of the students were wondering where their teacher was.
"You don't think he got fired do you?" Tails was asking Sonic, who turned his attention away from the window momentarily.
"Eh? I Hope so! But somehow I doubt it; the dudes been here for too long."
"Yea, but after the class performance of last year, do you think the principle let him go?"
"Again I say that I hope so."
Sonic set his head on his arms ready to take a nap just as the door burst open and someone came in.
He was a black hedgehog, very tall and slim, with red stripes running through his quills that stood up around his head and going down his arms and probably his legs.
His red eyes scanned the room as he took in the class; students standing around conversation and the thugs in the corner.
He gave a sigh.
Why did he always end up with the ingrate classes?
He spoke into the noise of the buzzing of student's voices, and was instantly irked as they still failed to register his presence.
So, he went to the front of the room, set down his brief case, cracked his knuckles, cleared his throat, removed a glove, and extending his hand to the chalk board behind him, brought down his nails against the chalk board causing a horrible shrieking wail that pierced through the voices and causes many if not all of the students to cover their ears and look over at him wincing.
"Alright; now that I have your attention; let me introduce myself. I am Professor Shadow, your new chemistry teacher."
"What happened to Mr. Binns?" piped up the voice of a hoodlum on the first row with his hat on, leaning back on his chair legs.
"And your name?"
"They call me Sikes" He said nodding, earning a dap from the boy behind him."
"Ah really?"
Shadow walked from his podium, and the desk of 'Sikes' standing beside him, and before the boy could react, he grabbed the kid's hat off and kicked the legs of the chair causing him to fall out of his chair to the floor.
"Well then 'Sikes' No hats in my class room, no sitting on the back of your chair, and do not interrupt me when I'm talking."
He turned from the boy who was grabbing his hair up blushing as his class mates jeered.
Shadow threw the hat onto a table to his left and addressed the class again.
"But to answer your question; due to the massive amount of people failing Professor Binn's class, he has been fired. Now: I do not know or care exactly how your old professor conducted himself while he was your teacher, but make no mistake; I am not Professor Binns. I will not tolerate the type of idiocy I was exposed to when I first entered this room. You all are young adults and I will not tolerate you acting like stupid animals. You ALL will conduct yourselves in a professional and orderly manner. That also stands for your work too. If you want to fail this class; I WILL flunk you, and I will do it gladly. But if there is a student who actually DOES want to learn, then I will do everything I can to make sure they pass this class, and any other class they might come to me for help with. But I do not have the time of patience to deal with the childish crap that you would send me, and so help me; if you dare to try you will be out of here faster than you can say "What happened". Do I make myself clear?"
Immediately all the students nodded complete intimidated by this new teacher.
"Now then; to all the boys; take off your hats in my class room. If I should find that you attempt to break this rule I will kick you out. And If I have to kick out anyone in this class, they will receive a failing grade and will not be permitted to make up any assignment that I might give out; and seeing as class work is 25 percent of your grade, you might not want to miss any of them as I wont be giving you very many.
Now ladies; if there is one thing that I can not stand it's a whore. If you want to dress like a prostitute, you will not be coming into my classroom. Save that for what ever brothel you work for."
He glanced over to a boy closer to the door and he felt his eyebrow twitch as he popped a huge bubble of gum.
These kids were just trying to piss him off.
"Mr. Johnson, spit out that gum right now or else my foot is going up your ass."
The boy gave a start and threw it to the trash can.
His eyes scanned the room as he made sure every student was paying attention, and his eyes landed on Sonic, who had just put his head down.
He sighed, and grabbed his handbook, walking over to his sleeping form, aware that the class was watching, and he stopped in front of his seat; then with a resounding crack he brought the book down hard over Sonic's head waking him up instantly.
He winced as he looked up at Shadow's face.
"No sleeping in my class. Mr. Sonic."
"What-? How do you know my name?"
Shadow rolled his eyes.
"I couldn't be due to the seating chart I have in my hand; that would be too obvious"
He turned away and walked up to the black board, ignoring the glare he was getting from Sonic who was blushing as the other kids snickered at him.
"I am also aware that you are supposedly very famous but get this; you may be a world renowned hero to the rest of the world kid, but in here you're just another snot-nosed brat that I have to waste my time teaching."
Sonic's eyes widened and then his eyebrows cam crashing down again, and seething he sat back in his chair.
'I got you'
"Now that we have gotten to know each other better, it is tie to turn our attention to the subject of study. Your last teacher sent me a list of all the subjects you have covered so far, therefore I presume that you know all about chemical bounding?"
He looked around at the blank looks he received from the rest of the class besides Tails.
"Fine then, is there anyone who knows where you all left off last year?"
He glanced over to Tails as the kit slowly raised his hand.
"Mr. Prowler is it?"
"Yes sir, we left off at Acids and bases."
"Seriously? Well then you are all a lot farther behind then I thought."
He took a piece of chalk and wrote neatly a timeline labeled Chemistry topics to cover.
He then went on to discuss each of these events giving them a general overview of each subject.
"You might want to take notes class."
There was a scramble for paper as most of the students searched for paper and pencils, but of course there is always one;
"Yo Teach! This stuff is boring man!"
He looked around expectantly at his classmates, but any hopes of glory were instantly dashed.
"So was your mother, but that didn't stop me."
The class broke into a series of "Ooohs" and the boys cheeks flushed.
He would have said more, but just then the bell rung and there were the many sounds of people grabbing their stuff and chairs moving against the floor as the class filed out into the hallway.
Sonic hesitated at the doorway meeting Shadow's eyes in a look that said clearly
'I hate you'
Shadow raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.
'You'll pay for earlier.'
Shadow smirked wickedly.
'I'd like to see you try'
And before Sonic could say anything he was pulled out the class room by Tails who had spotted Knuckles and wanted to get to the next class.
"Hey you two, how was Binns?"
"He wasn't there Knuckles; apparently he got fired. But; we have a new teacher now! He was so cool!"
"Eh? A cool teacher? Since when did that happen?"
"I don't like that guy..."
Sonic said as he turned towards his friends.
"Eh? What's wrong with you Sonic?"
"He's angry because Professor Shadow hit him on head when he was sleeping."
"Really? He actually had the guts to hit Sonic of all people?"
Knuckles and Tails glanced at the angry face of their friend a bit concerned.
Sonic wasn't exactly an egomaniac, but all the years of being a big hero had built up a life of being respected and admired by everyone, and being smacked around by a teacher wasn't exactly a confidence booster.
Sonic himself didn't exactly know why he was so mad, but for some reason, he really, really didn't like that guy.
"Aww, don't worry about him Sonic; Lets go to lunch! I'll even treat you to chilidogs!"
Immediately Sonic brightened up; he DID like chilidogs.
"Let's go buddy!"
He grabbed the two tailed fox and he was shooting out the cafeteria.
He was inside in a flash, setting Tails at one of the round tables and was already in line when Knuckles ran in panting.
"I hate it when he does that! He always leaves me behind!"
"Aww~ poor Knuckles~ I wouldn't leave you behind"
The seductive voice of Rouge floated to his ears and Knuckles gave a start and spun around blushing lightly as he realized how close she was.
"Oh get a room you two!"
"Oh there you are Sonic; that was fast."
"Well that IS my middle name~"
"I thought your middle name was Maurice."
"Shut up Knuckles."
"Hey theres Cream~ Hii Cream" Tails called as the girl rabbit walked into the lunch room.
"Hi everybody! What's for lunch?"
"Chili-dogs of course!"
The rabbit and the fox grinned at each other as Rouge and Knuckles and Sonic all glanced at each other smirking.
"So, Sonic; you thinking of getting a girlfriend?"
"You know; are there any girlies that got your attention?"
"Umm... not at the moment"
"Oh good; it's just that I have a friend who really wants to meet you"
"Um, that's okay Rouge I'm really not thinking of getting in a relationship at the moment."
Rouge glanced at Knuckles and raised an eyebrow and Knuckles mouthed that he would tell her later.
"Oh look, it's Ms. Amy!" Cream was saying to Tails.
"And look who's with her."
The others looked around as the pink hedgehog walked in followed by none other than Shadow.
Sonic glared at his direction and turned his attention to hit chilidog which he started to mutilate with a fork.
"Who IS that anyway? I've never seen him before." Rouge was saying.
"That's Professor Shadow; he's the new history teacher."
"Really? He's a teacher? But he looks so young!"
"So that's the guy that Sonic hates now?"
Tails nodded and they glanced at the blue hedgehog who was devouring his hot dog angrily.
"Why, what happened."
"He hit Sonic for sleeping in class"
"Oh really? Well, that doesn't seem so bad to me; after all teachers do that all the time."
"Yea, but he also said something like he's just another snot-nosed brat or something"
Rouge giggled.
"Well Sonic IS a brat, although I don't want to think about him being snot-nosed."
Sonic grunted as he bit angrily on his chili-dog, and out of the corner of his eye he watched Shadow and Amy as they had lunch.
"They seem to get along well don't they" Rouge was saying.
"Of course I could understand why Amy would like him; he's really cute~"
Secretly Rouge smirked as she watched Knuckles' reaction; he suddenly looked angry.
Tails looked around and realized that many of the girls were staring over at him and he felt his sweat drop as he noticed that Amy was getting some very scary looks for a bunch of them.
Fan girls were scary.
After the group was finished eating and there was a commotion as they tried to open the door.
Outside a group of girls were pressed against the glass windows trying to see the new teacher and as soon as it was opened they all fell to the floor in a huge pile.
It took a while for some of the teachers to clear them up.
"Okay now that's just ridiculous" Rouge said as she pushed out of the cafeteria followed closely by Knuckles.
As Sonic held the door for the two remaining friends he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he got the sensation of being watched.
He turned to look and was startled as he met the red of eyes of the person he hated.
He glared the teacher earning himself a bored expression, and he turned away to follow his friends.

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