Chapter 2

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'Don't you hate it when the people you hate are always so effing perfect?'
Sonic thought bitterly as he sat in his chemistry class.
He looked around the room and his frown deepened.
He hated Shadow the hedgehog but he had to admit, ever since he'd started teaching a couple of weeks ago, this chemistry class had become the best subject for this year's students.
The problem that every had when Mr. Binns was teaching was mostly due to lack of control over the class, and a tendency for disorganization and such a boring unfulfilling way of teaching.
But that was not the problem with Shadow as a teacher;
For one thing he had a good amount of control over his class.
When he walked into the room the class went silent and when he was teaching they were ready to learn.
While there used to be constant fighting and arguing during class, the usual trouble makers were kept in check; ever since Shadow had dealt with their ring leader in a manner most violent and unpleasant to watch, they were too afraid to continue.
He was definitely a lot more organized than Professor Binn's.
All work was turned in and handed back the very next class, and he always knew exactly where everything was.
But the best part was he had a good way of teaching.
The problem with most other teachers was; they were very boring; simply droning on and on about the subject. But Shadow had a talent for capturing his student's interest.
And despite his no-nonsense attitude, he was comfortable around the students and had a dry wit that kept the students engaged.
All in all he was a good teacher; and that was something Sonic hated.
He was starting to get tired of hearing the other students ranting about how great he was, and the fan girls were especially annoying. They would crowd the hallways trying to get his attention, they would disturb classes squealing about him, and they never seemed to shut up.
He glared out the window at the bare trees absentmindedly until he felt Tails elbow him on the arm and glanced over.
"Say you're here" The fox whispered and Sonic became aware of people watching him.
"Um Here?"
"Pay attention next time Sonic" Shadow said not even glancing in his direction.
Sonic grunted.
'The jerk'
"Now then class, kindly put away all the things on your desk; it's time for your first test of the year."
Many students groaned as they pushed away their notebooks and took out their number 2 pencils.
Sonic tapped on the desk with his pencil absent mindedly as Shadow passed out the test books.
"Do not open your test books until I say so, and do not write inside the test books. You have the rest of the class period to finish taking your test. Are there any questions? No? Good. You may begin."
Sonic flipped open his test book grudgingly and scanned over the questions.
He forgot to study.
He scratched his head as he read the first question.
'Balance the equation'
He scratched his head behind his ear.
He knew this one...
He scratched in his answer and went on to the next.
'Explain the differences between a combustion reaction and a double replacement reaction.'
He knew this one too...
He scanned through the rest of the test book and with a jolt he realized that he actually understood this crap!
With new-found confidence he soared through the test with about ten minutes to spare, and feeling on top of the world he closed his book and stared out the window.
Then he got the familiar sensation of being watched again, and this time he didn't need to turn to figure out who it was.
He glanced towards his teacher who was frowning with one eyebrow raised.
'You're finished already?' The look said.
Sonic flashed a sneering grin and Shadow's frown became more pronounced.
There was no way that Sonic could have gotten everything right in that book and have finished early.
Not even Tails was finished, and Tails was his best student.
He scanned the rest of the room who was still working.
'Oh well' He thought
Sonic was renowned for his speed fetish; apparently he was about to learn the hard way about rushing.
Just then the bell rung and he called out to the class to bring their tests to his desk in a neat orderly pile.
He could hear some of his students complaining about the test from outside the door.
Silently he put the pile in the class's folder for grading and went to get ready for his next class.
"Wasn't that test hard Sonic?" Tails was saying as they walked to lunch.
"Nah not really. I think I got it actually"
Knuckles came up from behind them.
"Now Sonic, if Tails thinks that a test is hard, what makes you think it was easy for you?"
"Hmph! I know Tail's is smarter than me; heck he's a genius! But I still think that test was easy."
"Just watch when he didn't get a single answer right!"
"Uh oh guys watch out; fan girls straight ahead"
The other two looked up at the cafeteria doors where a bunch of girls were standing around looking expectantly.
Sonic groaned
"Want to sit outside and eat?"
The others agreed and they got into the lunch line glancing over to the doorway.
After a while thought the girls began to sit down with disappointed looks.
"I wondered what happened"
"Oh, one of the girls peeked inside his classroom and saw that he brought lunch today"
Rouge said as she walked up to her fiends.
"Ha, ha! He probably got tired of them too. Serves 'em right." Knuckles said.
"At least we don't have to eat out in the cold" Tails said.
They all looked out the windows; they could see the leaves blowing around.
"Hello you guys" Said a cheery voice as Amy walked up behind them in the lunch line with Cream.
"Hello Ms. Amy"
"What's up?"
"Nothing much; and you guys?"
"Same old, same old."
Amy grinned and she looked around the cafeteria.
"So~ Ms. Amy~ Tell us about your new boyfriend~"
Amy glanced at Rouge.
"You know; it's going around that you and Professor Shadow are dating~"
Sonic Tails and Knuckle's jaws dropped.
"They are?"
Amy laughed.
"You guys are just as bad as teenagers. No Shadow and I aren't dating; we're just old friends"
"Oh. You knew him before he started working here?"
She nodded.
"Yea, we went to high school together actually."
"Really? How old is he?"
Amy shook her head and smiled. She should have known she would be bombarded with questions; everyone wanted to know more about the new teacher.
"He's only 24 actually; but he graduated early."
"Oh~ What college did he go to"
Amy sighed.
"Why don't you just ask him all this Rouge?"
"What! And Risk being mauled but his fan girls? No way!"
Amy's sweat dropped and she looked around.
"You do have a point... Those girls aren't nearly as friendly as they used to be"
She shrugged.
"Ah well."
"So, how have you guys been doing with your studies?"
Rouge, Tails and Cream all replied enthusiastically; Knuckles and Sonic not so much.
On Knuckles' part is was because he simply wasn't trying to boast.
Sonic though had other motives.
"Your only problem is being lazy!" Knuckles told him.
"Nuh uh! I'm not lazy; I just can't focus."
"Hmph. I always knew you were A.D.D."
They others laughed and Sonic huffed pouting as they got to the front of the line.
That night Shadow was sitting in his living room grading papers on the coffee table in front of his couch.
He flipped one out of the pile and with a red marker put a red line through all the wrong answers, counting them up and writing down the grade.
For far the class was doing pretty well.
Most of the people got B's, there were a few C's two A's; the only 100 being Tail's, and it wasn't until he'd gotten to Sonic's test that he actually came across an E.
He sighed; he knew it.
That boy had only gotten 13 questions right out of the 60 question test.
He was very lucky that Shadow didn't give out F's.
He filed the paper away for future reference and continued.
"Okay class; I have here your graded tests from our last session. First I am pleased to say that most of you did fairly well; the majority of you have a B. You may clap it up for the two A's that were given out; Earned by Tail's Prowler and Blaze the Cat."
There was a polite round of applause and when the room quieted down Shadow continued.
"I will now be passing around your test papers; and I will allow you all 10 minutes to discuss and compare your answers to the people around you. And If I do not hand you your paper, then please see me after class."
The room went abuzz as he walked around handing out their graded tests; there were some people who weren't pleased, and others who were satisfied.
Sonic gave Tail's a pat on the back.
"Good job buddy"
"Thanks Sonic!"
Shadow had finally reached their table passing Tail's his test and smirking evilly at the look Sonic was giving him.
Somehow he'd known when Shadow first said it that he WOULD be the person to stay after.
He shot Shadow a dark look behind his back as the dark hedgehog sat behind his desk and set his timer on his desk, flipping quickly through a pile of papers on his desk and with his red marker at the ready, began to start grading the work from the pervious class.
Sonic carefully moved his head to look out the window but out the corner of his eye he was watching Shadow.
He thought about having to stay after class, and wondered if he would be able to sneak out with the rest at lunch time.
Probably not.
He sighed and adopted a bored look.
He could already see this class as posing a problem, and quite frankly that WAS a problem.
He needed to past chemistry to graduate, and his parents and he were not trying to waste money sending him here, only for him to fail a class.
He wondered if he could get Tail's to help him out...
The timer on Shadow's desk rung and he called the class to order.
"Okay students, put your test papers away; we are about to start our lesson."
Sonic was determined to pay attention during this class, but at the minutes passed by he found it harder and harder to concentrate.
He was actually writing notes, and he was attempting to listen to the lecture, But every once in a while his mind would wander to something else; like fishing, or running, or Eggman.
The bell startled him out of a particular day dream about faraway castles and being a knight in shining armor, battling with the sword Excalibur.
He groaned and pretended to be packing his stuff, telling Tail's he would meet up with him at lunch. Finally everyone else had left and he trudged up to Shadow's desk.
"You said to stay after if we didn't get back our tests."
Shadow quirked a brow and handed over the test putting his elbows on the desk and putting his chin on his crossed hands.
Sonic scanned over the test paper.
"Watch your language Sonic."
"Hmph! How the heck did I get an E?"
He flipped over the papers reading and rereading the questions.
"The problem is simple. You were rushing to get it done instead of actually making sure your answers were right."
Sonic's expression turned sour.
"Funny how Knuckles said the same thing" he mumbled.
"If even your friend said that then maybe you should listen to them more."
"Tck! Whatever. Can I go now?"
"Yes, you may go. But if I were you I would be careful next time. If you continue to bring in grades like that you might just fail this class. That is all."
Shadow shooed Sonic away indifferently, and Sonic stomped out of the room angrily and headed to the cafeteria.
"Hey dude; what's wrong with you?" Knuckles asked as a grumpy blue hedgehog plopped down in one of the vacant chairs at the table.
Sonic sighed.
"You were right. Stupid chemistry!"
"Aww It cant have been that bad; what'd you get?"
"I really rather not say... either way I KNEW I hated that guy!"
"Eh? It's not exactly his fault if you rushed through a test that you didn't study for."
Knuckles and Tails looked at each other.
This was very unusual behavior for Sonic; the only person he ever actually held a grudge against was Robotnick; and anyone would understand that.
Also; Sonic was also known to be rash. What if he came up with some sort of crackpot idea to get revenge?
Unfortunately enough for Knuckles and Tails, that was exactly what Sonic was thinking of.
He just needed to find a way to put it into action...
And first he would have to get close to Shadow...

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