Chapter 7

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Sonic sigh as he looked in the mirror, his expression was blank.
He didn't feel like smiling right now...
But he sorta had to: if Tails or Knuckles saw him down, then they would worry, and be both hated making people worry about him, and he really did not want to talk about last night...
Last night....
His ears dropped as he imagined that look...
It was that look that had kept him away all night...
And that look that was killing him silently...
He shook his head.
'NO Sonic... don't think about that right now.'
He nodded to himself in the mirror and went to the door, and as he grabbed the door handle he took a deep breath and put on the most convincing fake smile he could have ever made.
"Hey buddies~" He said excitedly as he walked in the kitchen.
"Sonic! Hi!"
"What's up true blue?"
"If I say the ceiling will I get hit?"
"Alright then; the sky!"
He dodged Knuckles' spatula. And sat down across form Tails.
'So far so good Sonic, you're doing great' He told himself.
That morning he was all the action as he tried to put his happy, carefree mask on.
He greeted Rouge and Cream humorously gentlemanly outside the school doors and he tried to hide the nervousness he felt as he and Tail's entered the class room.
Sonic sat down at his usual desk and wondered if he could switch seat to the back of the classroom as he stared pointedly out the window.
That was the sound of the door. Shadow was now in the room.
Sonic glanced at his teacher nervously out the corner of his eye as he walked behind his desk and prepared for roll.
Maybe Shadow would have forgotten about last night.
He waited...
He turned his eyes to the window again as the deep voice called down the list.
He waited...
And as his name was called he felt the room freeze.
Oh he remembered all right.
There was no mistaking the sound of pure intense hatred and acidity as he said it.
He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, but he wasn't very confident that there was a crack in his voice.
"Hey Sonic? You okay?" tails whispered to his blue fiend as Sonic stared out the window listening to the lecture.
"Yea, sure I'm good."
"Stop talking in class you two"
Sonic glanced momentarily at the teacher and his face paled as he met Shadow's angry hate filled gaze.
Immediately Sonic turned his head to the window again and he felt his sweat drop.
Did he really hate him that much?
Sonic laid his chin on his arms as his listened to the lecture hiding his mouth and he watched the teacher teaching.
Whenever Shadow looked up he would look away; he couldn't bare to see that look again...
But he would see it over and over for the rest of that day.
Because Shadow was obviously in a bad mood that day, and that made him particularly nasty towards Sonic.
"So who in here can answer what happens in a nuclear reaction?"
He scanned the classroom and as there were no hand's raised he went right to the blue hedgehog who was gazing out the window.
"Hmm I'll choose someone to answer then. How about you Sonic?"
He said it with such acidity that Sonic gave a slight flinch.
"I don't know..."
"Then I'll have to give you another question..."
Sonic hadn't even understood a word in the question he asked.
He gave Shadow a blank look and felt his cheeks redden as some of his classmates snickered.
"I'm not sure..."
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed." Shadow spat sarcastically before he went on to the lesson.
Sonic winced and turned his gaze away from Tail's.
It was one thing to be embarrassed in front of a class; a whole other to have it done in front of your little brother; and your little genius brother at that.
He bet that Tails knew every single answer that Shadow was asking the class right now, and he thought bitterly that he wished he were smarter.
Then he'd show Shadow...
And as he walked out the room after the bell ended he decided that he was going to correct this;
He would prove that he wasn't just some stupid idiot....
He would prove that he wasn't just some lazy little loser...
He would prove that he was just as smart as Tails was...
And he would prove that he was worth Shadow's love and affection; because that's what Shadow thought wasn't it;
The he wasn't worth his time?
Well.. He was GOING to prove him wrong once and for all.
And He was gonna blow Shadow's mind away.
Over the next week Tail's and Knuckles began to notice a change in Sonic.
He didn't hang out with them as much as he used to;
He would come home and go straight to his room where he could be found to be studying.
That was all that Sonic really thought about anymore.
He wasn't eating properly anymore:
Sometimes he would get up early, and skip out on breakfast and go straight to the library.
He might have a small snack for lunch, but he would be too busy reading and writing notes to really eat much else.
Sometimes he would have dinner, other times he was at the library doing as much as he possibly could.
Because he was so determined...
Because he was so obsessed...
His sleep schedule was also suffering form it all;
He woke up early and went to bed late.
A couple of times a week he would crash on the couch for a couple of hours during the day, but he went out of his way to stay up.
His friends were all very much concerned about him.
"He cant go on doing this!" Knuckles said as the hedgehog ran out of the cafeteria after gulping down an apple.
"That boy is going to kill himself!" Rouge consented.
"I know.. And it feels like we cant do anything about it!" said Knuckles
"Yea... he barley talks to us anymore..." Tails whispered sadly earning a pat on his had from Cream.
Sonic was exhausted as he made his way to his desk.
He could barley keep his eyes open right now.
He'd been up extra late last night studying for the test they would have today.
Sleepily he gave a yawn and laid his head on his desk.
'Aww man...'
He didn't know how he was going to do this test thing...
He tried to shake out the dizziness but it only lasted for a few seconds.
"Okay class put away your stuff. It's test taking time." Shadow called out to the class, casting a glare in Sonic's direction as Sonic sat up sleepily and took one of the test papers.
Sonic set to work.
'First question.... Define equilibrium...'
His mind was so hazy he could barley put two words together in his mind.
But he wasn't about to give up...
He'd worked so hard for this...
He'd isolated himself from his friends for this...
All because of this grade...
All because he wanted prove himself.
And he was NOT about to have done so much damage just to quit before the finish line.
He shook his head one more time and started working, fighting his sleepiness with a new type of determination.
He paid attention to every single detail.
He read and re-read every single line over... and over...
He winced as a headache started to form and put his hand to his forehead pressing the area that hurt the most.
He was only halfway done, and they were halfway through the time limit so he knew he wasn't rushing.
He sighed he needed to stay focused...
He stifled a yawn and rubbed at his eye.
Maybe he should have listened to Tails and Knuckles and gotten some sleep last night...
"Come on Sonic! You're too tired to continue like this!"
"No, I'm fine Tails" Sonic said as he yawned hugely.
He smiled satisfied: he'd done it! He'd gotten through Shadow's test without falling asleep! Now he just had to get through the rest of the day.
"No your not Sonic! You can barley walk a straight line!"
Sonic frowned as he swayed a little.
He had a point there.
"I'll just some coffee or something at lunch"
"No Sonic! If you drink coffee now it'll only make you crash later!"
"Hey what's going on over here?" said a familiar girlish voice from behind them.
Sonic and Tails turned around, Sonic swaying a bit as they greeted Amy.
She looked at Sonic and the smile she'd had died.
"Sonic? What's wrong with him Tails." Amy asked grabbing the blue hedgehog's arm to keep him up straight.
"Oh Amy, I'm glad to see you;
Sonic hasn't been eating or sleeping lately. I don't think he's slept in a few days now! It's all this studying he's been doing lately!"
Amy glanced at the blue hedgehog who was rubbing his eye as he yawned hugely.
"Okay Tails, thanks, I'll let him sleep in my office for the rest of the day until he's feeling better."
She pulled on his arm towards her office, and Sonic was barley able to refuse.
She pushed Sonic onto one of the cots in the nurses office and Sonic tried to protest and get up, but as his head felt the nice softness of the pillow under his head, his vision darkened and he went to sleep almost immediately.
Amy watched him for a while with concern, and then put a blanket over him, and turned out the light as she went out the room.
Sonic was having a very nice dream...
He was in a green field, the sky was a brilliant blue over head, only broken by the huge fluffy clouds over head.
He leaning back on his palms feeling the breeze on his face then he looked to his side and grinned as he saw a certain black hedgehog approaching.
He was smiling...
His voice sounded far off, and distant as he said it.
The black hedgehog kneeled next to him and gently took his face in his hands, slowly leaning in until their lips met...
Sonic leaned in further grabbing the black hedgehog's arms and getting to his knees as he pressed himself closer to him...
Together they fell, Shadow on his back, and Sonic laying on top of him and Sonic broke the kiss only so he could take a panting breath...
"Shadow?" He whispered hoarsely and the dream Shadow merely smirked up at him and pulled Sonic closer, taking his mouth in his own .
Slowly Sonic's arms went around his neck, and the blue hedgehog felt the other's hand moving gently through the quills on his back, up and down, then one of then took his tail, curling it softly between his fingers.
Then the dream Shadow rolled over, sending Sonic on his back and sitting on top of him as he grabbed the blue hedgehog's wrists.
The black hedgehog smirked down at him and leaned it close...
Sonic could feel his breath as the black hedgehog panted.
And just as the black hedgehog leaned in for another kiss Sonic was disturbed out of his sleep by a hand shaking him.
"Hey Sonic, it's time to get up!"
Sonic groaned and sat up stretching and looked around the nurse's office. It was Amy who was next to him looking down at him humorously.
"Umm good evening?"
"yes, good evening Sonic. Had a nice nap?"
"umm yea.. it was alright I guess"
"okay, making sure: you were tossing and turning a bit restlessly."
"Ummm I wasn't talking was I?" He asked.
It would be the worst thing in the world if Amy found out about what eh was really dreaming of.
"Nope, I didn't hear anything."
"oh okay, just asking" Sonic said brightly with a sigh of relief.
"What time is it anyway?"
"It's almost 5"
"Really? I missed a whole day of school?"
"yea, but you were excused from all your classes for today seeing as it was a health issue, so don't worry. Tails is getting your assignments now. He said he'd meet you here"
"Aww, well, thank you Amy; and sorry about all this..."
"No, no, it's okay Sonic: you were simply trying to focus on your studies: nobody can fault you for THAT."
They grinned at each other and they heard a knock on the door before Sonic's two tailed came in laden down with a pile of papers.
"Is that all my work? Aww man!"
"Good evening Sonic. Feeling better? And don't worry most of it is just reading."
"yea, I'm alright."
Sonic swung he legs over the side of the bed and stretched, feeling better than ever.
"Oh, are you guys going to the field trip this weekend?"
"Eh? I hadn't heard anything about it" Sonic said as he scratched behind his ear, but Tails answered for him.
"Yea, we're all going! Even if we have to tie Sonic to the roof!" The fox grinned up at his brother evilly and Sonic just shrugged.
Ah well. Maybe a trip wouldn't be so bad.

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