Spring Break Part 2

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*Farrah's Pov*

When school was out, I was too. After driving back home, I got all my luggage and ran for it. If you were a random walker, you would've thought I was going on a prison break.

The thing is, my family is the most important thing in my life. I mean, without them, I wouldn't be alive. When Mom told me that I was going with Aunt Ashley and Uncle Paul.. Outside I was carefree. Inside, my stomach was doing cartwheels.

After 45 mins. and a lot of sweat. I managed to get all the stuff in my car, and drive from George Town to Maine. It was a 3hr. ride. Aunt Ashley wanted me to go to plane, and she would've payed. But the thing about me is, I liked driving. Seeing all these new people, new places. It would've been way better than small toilets, and bad food.

"And here on 106.8 FM2, here is Pretty Brown Eyes," my radio said.


OMG. That boy can give me feels. I swear. His angelic hair, HIS ACCENT.

After a lot of traffic, and very mean looks.. I decided to take a pit-stop. I was also hungry so I grabbed a snicker bar and walked to the cashiers.

"Is that all?" the cashier said.

"Yes, thank you" after handing her the cash, i tried to go back to the parking lot, until i hit someone.

"Oh Geez, sorry"

"On no, it's perfectly fine," that voice.. I knew it from somewhere

"Daniel Robs?"

"Do I kn- Farrah Johnson?"

"Is that really you?" We both said in unison.

His tall figure, his perfect jawline.. He just wanted me to melt into my own soul. Me and Daniel used to be best friends in middle school, until he had to move somewhere because his dad got a big position on a job. Let's just say... puberty did a lot for him..

"Hey, we haven't seen eachother in a long time.." I could oviously tell he was deep into thought.. what though?

After talking.. for 5 mins. about how he was going to live in Maine his whole entire life, but occasionally go to Georgia Town because he missed it there.. He went back talking about, ME

"Do you still have the same number," he said with a cocky  smile

A nod.. A smile.. and a happy Farrah left the parking lot

Going back to my car with a wide smile on my face, I thought of all the days me and Daniel used to spend together. I mean, let's all be honest, he was a ladies man.

Just me, Daniel, and my friend Liz..

I had seen Daniel 3 months ago, but he didn't seem to notice me. I actually saw him in Liz's funeral. Daniel, her, and me were like the tree musketeers. No joke.

Us three all were together forever. Liz knew all about the kind of "fling" me and Daniel had by our eye contact. I try not to talk about Liz because I now that in the end.. There's nothing more to talk about. I really do miss her, and i know she misses me back too.


After listening to the whole entire Cody Simpson album.. TWICE. I finally noticed I was here.. In Maine.

In front of me was a huge gigantic house. After ringing the doorbell which had a catchy tune. I heard footsteps.

"Coming" a female voice spoke, which I knew was Aunt Ashley

A pause.. then there she was, STUNNING. It almost looked like she didn't have a baby.. nobody would've guessed that she had twins.

"FARRAH, HOW ARE YOU, HUNGRY? PAULLL COME, FARRAH'S HERE" all of this happened at once, not that i was suprised. In fact.. i felt almost as if.. loved.

"Farrah, look at you. I remember you just being 5'4 last year" Uncle Paul said

I guess it was true...being caught up in collage applications, I haven't noticed ANYTHING.

"Hi Uncle Paul" I said as i hung my arms up and closed the gap between us,"So, how are the girls?"

"They're fine. If you want we could introduce you to them" Aunt Ashley said

"I'd love that"

That's when disaster struck..

*Luke's Pov*

Seriously, after 3 hours.. my spring break began. While everyone was partying, getting drunk, or laid. I just stayed at home.. So i guess detention gave me company.

I wasn't one who would get detention, but I guess i was technally calling it. I would've expected it from Mrs. Speck. That old lady has an attitude!

Coming out of school, i went back to my car. 3 hours without a phone, i checked it to see if anyone called.


"Ughh" i said outloud.

Why won't they understand that me and Nicole broke up ages ago? I guess she's that shallow. I mean, the only reason i broke up with her is that she puts on more makeup on her face, than food in her digestive system. That's what i don't get about girls. Their perfectly fine the way they are.

"Especially one," i corrected myself

Geez, why am i talking to myself? That Farrah girl, she has putten a spell on me. She has made me completely obsessed with her. Maybe after spring break, i would have the balls to ask her to spring fling... but maybe her number first. I am a gentleman if you haven't had noticed.

Instead of doing anything for spring break, i might as well study, we do have finals after this weeklong break.. Hopefully spring break is going to be fast

*Farrah's POV*

I HOPE SPRING BREAK NEVER ENDS. After seeing Gabriella and Vanessa, they made me think of how lonely I was with a single mom, with no siblings. They looked like angels, at lead one of them... Gabriella was like... yay... While Vanessa was like YAY. It was very noticeable. But I knew, that would love and take care of each other through their life.  

When I asked Aunt Ashley about everything I could think of, I just couldn't make up my mind what to talk about.. It just made me feel so, uncompleted, almost as if, lonely.  

" I think the car ride was a little bit too much for me to handle. I'll meet you all in the morning?" I said to the two grown ups in front of me. 

"Tomorrow morning in the diner table, we'll get coffee and food too." 

"Ok.. Wait.. This house is huge, do-do you know where my room is." 

"Your second right. 5th door towards the end" 

"GOODNIGHT!" I yelled

But that night wasn't good for me... I felt.. empty

*Author's note*

Hi, so, sorry I haven't been updating. I was recently sick.. And i like to pee. 

So, yeah... If you want to see what else I'm going onto. You could read my other book, Unapologetic at my personal account, heatherrachealhuynh

YAY... Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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