First date

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On her way to school Yuki was super excited on the inside about her first date with Kazuo, she tried her best to be perfect today around him but it was difficult when other girls got to close or started talking to him.

"Yuki? Where are you going?" Kazuo asked as she walked past by him leaving the classroom.

"I have to take care of something." Yuki said walking away slowly.

"What's up with her?" Hanako asked standing next to Kazuo.

"Huh? Oh I don't know I should go check up on her." Kazuo said looking at Hanako.

While they talked there was a loud scream and he thought Yuki probably did something so he quickly left to go find Yuki.

"Yuki!" Kazuo yelled finding her in an empty home ec classroom.

"Huh? What is it Kazuo?" Yuki asked turning around.

When Yuki turned around she was wearing an apron with blood on it and was holding a knife while Kazuo closed the door behind him.

"Y-Yuki did you kill someone?!" Kazuo asked looking at her.

"Your just like them thinking I'm weird because I kill!" Yuki said stepping back.

"No Yuki that isn't true!" Kazuo said walking towards her.

"I was cutting up this meat for the home ec teacher." Yuki said showing him and smiling.

"Oh you were?" Kazuo said calmly.

"Yup she asked me to do this for her." Yuki said taking off the apron.

"That explains it, well we need to clean off the blood on your face before someone sees!" Kazuo said grabbing a cloth and cleaning her face.

The bell rang for lunch and they went to the gym to eat their lunch.

"I can't wait for after school!" Kazuo said excitedly.

"Me neither!" Yuki said cheerfully.

Later after school they went to the fair just like he had promised her, at the fair they went on a lot of rides and for a snack he ordered them one drink and food for them. They shared the drink and ate their food and while they ate they also talked.

"Are you having a good time?" Kazuo asked wanting to know.

"Yes I am!" Yuki said cheerfully.

"Good I'm glad your having fun." Kazuo said before taking a sip of their drink.
After eating they went back to doing more fun stuff like playing the games and while they played games, Kazuo won her a stuffed teddy bear at one of the games. Yuki happily hugged it tight like a little kid then out of the nowhere she saw his friends were here too so she pulled him along to keep them away from his friends.

"Yuki slow down!" Kazuo said while she dragged him around.

"Why? I want to go down this way." Yuki said pointing in the direction she wanted to go in.

"You've been dragging me around different areas here, what's wrong?" Kazuo asked looking at her.

She was about to tell him why but it was too late, his friends had ran into them finding them.

"Kazuo!" Moriko yelled waving at them as they walked towards them.

"Oh hey guys!" Kazuo said waving back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kouta asked looking at them.

"I'm on a date with Yuki." Kazuo said explaining.

( Great! Just great, did his annoying friends really have to be here?! it makes me so angry! )

"Hey there's a new ride here did you guys go on it yet?" Kouta asked putting his arm around Kazuo as he pointed at the ride.

"No but I want to, let's go!" Kazuo said taking off with Kouta and the others.

"Kazuo..." Yuki said when she looked up and saw him leaving her.

( He's leaving me to be with them! Now I'm alone... I wanted this to be a perfect first date but it's ruined!! )

Yuki angrily upset threw the stuffed bear in between two tents and she took off somewhere.

Meanwhile Kazuo was with the others when he thought Yuki was with her.

"Guys have you seen Yuki?" Kazuo asked the others.

"No we thought she was following." Hanako said looking at him.

"I'm gonna go look for her!" Kazuo said leaving them.

While Yuki was wandering around there was some perverted guys following her and they cornered her up in an ally getting close to her and putting their hands on her. Kazuo searched for her where they first were and he saw the stuffed bear, he picked it up carrying it with him as he looked for her until he heard a scream.

"Yuki!" Kazuo yelled as he ran towards where he heard the scream.

When he found where it came from he saw the guys close up to her.

"Leave her alone!" Kazuo said attacking them.

"Is this your boyfriend pretty girl?" The first guy asked looking at Kazuo then at Yuki.
"I think so, let's beat him up." The second guy said stepping closer.

They surrounded Kazuo ready to attack him, one guy was holding on to him ready to punch him.

"Get away from him!" Yuki yelled from behind them.

They ignored her and kept their attention on Kazuo.

"Get off of me!" Kazuo said struggling to get away.

"I said get away from him!" Yuki said angrily holding out a knife and grabbing one of the guys holding it to their throat.

Later they were finally safe and decided to leave the fair on their way home Yuki stopped half way.

"What's wrong Yuki?" Kazuo asked looking at her.

She shook while she began crying as she looked at the ground.

"I wasn't good today at all!" Yuki said while she cried.

"What do you mean Yuki?" Kazuo asked looking at her.

"I tried my best not to kill.." Yuki said while crying.

"You didn't though, you were good today Yuki." Kazuo said walking up to her and hugging her.

"I-I did?" Yuki asked as she stopped crying.
"Yea you didn't do anything bad." Kazuo said calming her down.

"K-Kazuo..." Yuki said quietly.

"Shh it's ok." Kazuo hugged her tighter.

"Okay." Yuki said trusting him.

"Now shall we go?" Kazuo asked holding her hand.

Yuki nodded her head and they walked off hand in hand.

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