6 | Pride and Sandwiches

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6 | Pride and Sandwiches

"Tell me again in detail," Harry said. "How and why did you burn yourself?"

"I don't need to tell you again, Potter." Draco said tiredly with his eyes closed. "You should've taken notes." He had his right arm wrapped in bandage and an arm sling as well to lessen his right arm movements and therefore make the burn recover fast. The healer did a good job in treating him, and now, he just needed to recuperate.

"Alright, alright." Hermione dismissed them. "The healer said that the burn will fully recover in three days. Until then, you just stay bedridden. You can go, the two of you." She addressed the last statement to her two friends, Ron and Harry, who just happens to be near the open door with their wands to their side, as if they needed a quick exit.

Harry gratefully went out the door, patting Ron on the back to signal him that it was time to go, but the ginger didn't budge from his place.

"And leave you with a Death Eater?" Ron scoffed. "I'd rather not."

"Shut it, weasel." Draco said wanly, but the tone in his voice was still as demeaning as ever.

Hermione shoved him out to the door and shut it behind them. "You need to stop calling him a Death Eater." She half-whispered to him.

"Are you feeling sympathy towards Malfoy, Hermione?" Asked Ron with heated curiosity. Harry, who was already five feet away from them, about to leave, spun around and listened to their argument.

"I'm not." She deadpanned. "I'm just saying that he isn't a Death Eater, not anymore."

Ron only stared at her.

"Ron, mate, Robards need us there." Harry called out to him. "We'll go back here to fetch her. Come on."

Hermione shot him a grateful expression. "Go on, you heard him." She said to Ron, a little less harsher now. She knew that he only wanted to protect her, and she really did appreciate it; but given Malfoy's condition, she knew that she can handle herself. Plus, a ministry guard was standing right outside his bedroom door.

"Alright, just be careful." Ron said, then he finally followed Harry.

Hermione was left alone in the corridor after that, with the door to Malfoy's room slightly opened. She took a big breath, and she turned around to enter the room, surprised to see Malfoy staring at her with such an incoherent expression.

"What are you looking at?" She asked with such austerity.

"Nothing." He snorted. "Just marveling at the fact that even after all these years, the weasel still hasn't changed one bit."

She knew it's best to just keep her mouth shut--although she wanted to punch his face again. She just remained standing, with her wand at her side, adjacent to the door, so if she needed to escape, she'll have an easy escape route. Even though Malfoy is handicapped right now, she wouldn't take any chances.

"How stupid do you think you are?" She mumbled, her eyes piercing right through his calculated gaze.

"What do you mean, Granger?"

"You knew very well that you couldn't cook." She deadpanned, but she was almost slightly amused at the situation. "Yet you still did it; which led you to suffering the repercussions--"

"In the form of a burnt right arm, yes." He cut her off. "You don't need to tell me what I already know, Ms. Know It All." He averted his eyes away from her, hiding his clenched left fist under the blanket.

Bloody hell, she's even more condescending now, he thought.

But he really needed someone else to say it, too; that it was very stupid for him to do that. Of course, that he knew already, but he had secretly hoped that, if fate be willing, that the worst case scenario would just be eating an extremely burnt meal with such distaste that its foulness would just add up to his ever-present sour mood. He never expected that it would go this far.

His stomach growled.

He perfunctorily glanced up at Granger, wondering if she heard it. Her slightly turned up eyebrows and pursed lips confirmed that she did.

There was silence. He wouldn't meet her gaze. He still held up his pride up so high on his shoulders, so much that it was starting to burden him. He didn't care that he looked weak and handicapped. To ask her for food, was a blatant defeat. It was a blatant surrender. And yet....

Never mind, he thought. He deserved more punishment than this hunger.

"What are you still standing there, Granger?" He asked, his tone harsh. "Can you at least give me some privacy?"

She didn't give him a reply, but she was there, scrutinizing him; possibly trying to read him. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, she slowly, and reluctantly, walked up to the side of his bed, fishing for something in her bag.

It was a sandwich.

"Here," she handed it to him, her arms stretched. Malfoy knew for a fact that this was only pity. And pity is for the weak.

"No, thank you. I just need my privacy."

She only snorted at him. "If you think that I would even let someone starve to death, no matter how cruel or bad or surly they are, you are infinitely wrong."

Malfoy still didn't give in. Like he said; it's a blatant sign of defeat.

"You're really that proud, huh?" Hermione asked rhetorically. She placed the wrapped sandwich on top of his bedside table. "Try swallowing your pride, maybe then you'll fill up your empty stomach." She said harshly.

She left the room without a sound, leaving Malfoy alone.


I finally made it a point to update this story. Hope you guys enjoy this! I am truly sorry for the hiatus. Let me know what you think about Hermione and Draco's exchange of words! MAN, I MISSED WRITING.

Solemnly swear that you're up to no good?


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