The Heartless Alpha ~ 2 (SAMPLE)

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Months had passed since they found the girl and confirmed that she was in a coma.

She was looking a lot better. Though her heals were still healing as a result of the use of wolfsbane, the pack doctors had managed to flush as much wolfsbane out her system, now it was just up to her to wake up herself. Olivia and Clark, of course, without the knowledge of Kohen, visited the girl.

Olivia sat in the infirmary room, Clark's arm wrapped around her. They were just waiting there for her to wake up.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Clark questioned, a yawn emitting from deep within his chest.

"I have no clue, remember she had so much wolfsbane in her system. The doctor said that she still had some that they couldn't target, so she has to do that work if she wants to live," Olivia replied, her hand wandering on Clark's chest. A low growl of satisfaction rumbled from his chest.

"Babe, not here,"

"I can't help it, you look so delicious," Olivia, bit her lip.

"I'm not food!"

"You're an endless supply for me," Olivia chuckled, pinching his arm.

Slowly they leaned into each other wanting to claim each other's lips in a passionate kiss, when a breathless cough prevented them from going through with their deed.

Their heads snapped towards the voice, an expression of shock and happiness set on their faces. Olivia was the first of the two to snap out of the shock. She rushed to the girl that they had once seen pale, battered, bruised, black, blue and skinny.

Olivia blushed in embarrassment, as she remembered her and Clark's special moment. She shook her head and smiled to her self, "Nothing." She muttered, covering her face with her small hands.

Clark chuckled lightly, wrapping his arm around his mate's waist, kissing her red, warm cheek. Olivia was so wrapped up in warmth by her mate she didn't notice that the girls heart monitor had started beeping loudly. Panicked, confused and scared all she could think of was if the girl was alright.

"Sorry, visitors out." The nurse ordered, as she busted into the room. Clark and Olivia wanted to growl lowly, but the refused in order to save the poor girl. Olivia decided to wait outside the girl's room, whilst Clark went to Kohen, his Alpha.

​And clearly he wasn't thinking. At all.

Clark skipped the stairs, jumping as quick as he could, he needed to tell Kohen that his mate was awake. Even as his best friend, Clark wasn't allowed to casually burst into Kohen's office without permission. But he didn't care.

Not for his life, anyways.

As soon as Clark reached Kohen's office, he barged in not caring that he could have interrupted something, he screamed, "Kohen! Your mate is awake!"

Kohens eyes widened, as he took in the state of his shocked best friend. The growl he released next, was nothing to be played with. It was filled with the strength he possessed, that even his mother that was blind, shook with absolute terror. The growl was filled with a substantial indicator of how vexed he was. "Your mate? Kohen has a mate?" Shit. Clark thought. I am in deep shit.

"No I don't mum. Just some stupid, rogue that they decided to keep." Kohen, furiously gritted, trying to stop himself from shifting, but it was far from working.

The growl emitted from deep within his chest, rumbling and rattling through out the whole pack house. Out of blind red rage, little pricks of black spotted his skin as his eyes began flickering extremely fast from black to gold.

It had been awhile since Clark had seen Kohen like this...and to tell the truth it was never a pretty sight. Before Clark could blink, a beast stood proud and tall in the centre of the room, producing his dominance and status over everyone.

But he was hungry for Clark's blood. And he wanted it now!

"Kohen! Shift now!" His father boomed, it was hard at first for Kohen to submit, but in the end he shifted, bowed his head and showed his neck. Still got it in me. Kohen's dad, Ashton, smiled, but then he became serious.

Clark was still frozen, terrified and doubtful that he was going to be alive until tomorrow. Nervously, he started backing up out of the office, taking in all the damage his best friend had managed to do without hurting his mother.

His desk had flown through the wall, not a hair on his parents head had risen, there was massive hole next to Clark. His eyes widened when Kohen was stood right in front of him. His eyes were still gold, but he looked like he was restraining himself from killing Clark. Clark shook with fear, knowing what Kohen was capable of.

"If you ever speak of that again. You wouldn't want to know what happens next." Kohen, threatened dangerously calm, as he stared deep into his best friends eyes. It took time for Clark to register what he meant, before he was bolting to the where his mate was. He was breathing heavily, not from running, but from the threat that Kohen had told him. He shook his head, and tried forgetting about the threat and to focus on the poorly girl.

"Hey baby." Clark, greeted his mate, Olivia, she sat down with her hands in her lap, you could see how impatient, anxious and scared she was for the girl.

"Is she alright?" Olivia shrugged in response. The doctors hadn't come out form the room since they that got in, Clark could visibly see his mate shaking. He moved in and wrapped his warm, strong arms around her waist, sparks being produced in the process, and rested her head on his shoulder.

Soon they were fast asleep, waiting for results.

The Heartless Alpha #Wattys2016 (ON DREAME)Where stories live. Discover now