The Heartless Alpha ~ 5 (SAMPLE)

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After having some 'Clark' time, Olivia was ready to check up on Kohen's mate. He still hadn't returned from his run.

"C'mon Clark!" Olivia skipped to the the pack infirmary. She was happy that she got some of her mate, but them there was a small part of sadness in heart. She wanted the girl to live, she hoped that she was alright.

Soon they found themselves outside of the girls room.

"You can go in visiting hours end at four." The doctor told them and left them, checking his clipboard and muttering some stuff under his breath. Visiting hours end at my four my ass. Olivia thought. Kohen's mate was practically family to her.

Clark could feel how panicky, scared and anxious his mate was. Her emotions were too overwhelming for her small, fragile body. "Olly, calm down?" Clark, wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Instantly sparks exploded and she calmed down, her emotions lowering. Clark sighed at how anxious Olivia could get.

"She's going to be fine." Clark, reassure the panic-stricken Olivia. Olivia detached herself from her mates body and faced him. She embraced him, her face in his chest and she breathed heavily. Clark comforted his mate and they stood in this position for a few minutes, before Olivia composed herself.

Clark pulled back, pushed loose strands of Olivia's dark hair behind her ear and searched her eyes. He steadied her face by softly gripping the sides of her head. He leaned in and gave her a quick, passionate peck on the lips; saying it was ok.

She nodded and flattened her clothes as did Clark.

Anxiously she and her mate inched towards the door, pushing it slowly to see the once battered-pale bed-ridden girl, to be sitting up in the infirmary bed watching the tv silently. Soon the girls head had snapped on their direction. She tilted her head at a small angle and opened her mouth to talk,"W-who are you?" She didn't want it to seem rude, her voice came out hoarse and scratchy, that Olivia winced but ignored.

"I'm Olivia and this is my mate Clark." Olivia, replied a small smile gracing her prominent features.

"M-may I h-have w-water, pl-please?" She asked.

Olivia nodded,"Can you get some water for her Clark?" He nodded and left to get some water for the girl.

"So what's your name?" Olivia questioned.

She looks like a..... Jade....? No.... She looks like a... What does she look like to you, Dawn? Olivia asked her wolf; the girls features were very prominent, building up curiosity in Olivia.

Dunno. Olivia heard her wolf say.

As soon as Olivia lifted her head to meet the girls eyes, she was met with lavender colored eyes. She was fascinated, in fact the eyes were so captivating she didn't notice that Clark had walked into the room.

"Lilac. My name is Lilac."

Odd name, but it suits her. Especially since she has lavender eyes. Dawn commented in Olivia's head. Olivia payed no attention her wolf.

"I like your name." Clark announced, handing the water to Lilac who had still had Olivia captured in her eyes. Clark looked between the two girls that were staring at each other with unknown expressions. Still staring at Olivia, Lilac thanked Clark for the water and took it from his grip, drinking it swiftly, and hungrily; her lavender irises trained on Olivia.

"Olivia do you have a brother?" Lilac suddenly asked, catching Olivia off guard which stopped her from looking at the lavender eyes. Olivia nodded in response, confused about what was happening.

"Ok." Was Lilacs reply, voice smooth and quiet.

"What is going on?" Clark referred to his mate and Lilacs situation. Lilac shook her head and kept her gaze down. The tv still on she turned it off, and waited in the awkward silence. She wanted it too be broken, fortunately Olivia was the one to break it.

"Nothing." She gave a tiny shake of her head and looked at the floor. Clark furrowed his thick, eyebrows confused at what had happened and what was happening.

"So, how old are you Lilac?" Clark asked, sitting down next to his mate who was in a deep thought.

"Nineteen," She answered her voice light as a feather, whilst fidgeting with her hospital gown, it beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"How old are you?" Lilac asked, itching her thigh softly, her voice barely audible but angelic sounding.

"I'm twenty three and Olivia's twenty one." Lilac nodded her head, the silence becoming more and more awkward as each second passes by.

"I'm sorry I can't-Gal I know you just woke up...but you're in need of a serious makeover. Mainly the eyebrows but we can work with that. I'll do 'em." Olivia rushed out. Lilac tilted her head again, confused, but nodded. Olivia let out a sigh of relief as Clark just smelt his armpits.

For a twenty three year old boy-. Alex, Clarks wolf started when Clark cut him off.

Hey I am no boy! I am a man. A manly man to be specific. Alex chortled at the word 'man'.

Manly man my ass. Clark just snorted at his wolfs' reply.

Lilac caught him and chuckled. Her voice velvety and smooth. It was so light and angelic. Clark snapped his head up at the sound and looked at her with awe. It was such a beautiful sound, not better than Olivia's laugh, but in second place. He was entranced as so was Olivia.

"What?" Lilac, shyly smiled, her thick top lip, jutted out. Her voice smooth and light.

"Nothing." Clark and Olivia said in unison. Lilac shrugged, merely, casting her purple eyes down.

"What to do now?" Olivia asked, eyeing both her mate and sister - in law.

"Just wait..wait for the results." Clark replied, as Lilac nodded.




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