Chapter 01 - Dressed in Black

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"Harreeeeh, are you ready??" I heard my big sister Gemma shouting from downstairs. I was still trying to decide what I wanted to wear today. I might be a boy, but for some of us, looks matter and we want to wear clothes that suit us. I had finally decided on dark blue denim jeans and my colorful Rolling Stones t-shirt, and I was at the mirror in my room, trying to run a hand through my curls to tame them, but it was no use. I knew it would be just seconds until my sister would burst in and chew me out for being late to school, and, sure enough, my door opened at that exact moment.

"Harry! I'm not kidding. You're going to be late. More importantly, I'm going to be late for my journalism class, so could you please hurry up?" she sounded annoyed, but her gaze was kind, like it always was.

"Gem, I already told you that Niall would take me to school. You know...the little blonde Irish fella? The one who's madly in love with you, I might add. Plus, first period is cancelled for today, so it's going to be fine." I replied, giving up on my hair and walking over to her, kissing her cheek lightly. I loved my sister more than anything, and I knew she was just trying to look after me. After the dirty divorce our parents had over summer, she was more than ever trying to fit in that 'big sister role'. I appreciated Gemma for that, but I was old enough to take care of myself.

Sighing, she just nodded. "Alright, then. I'll see you later, and tell Niall he can continue to dream." She smiled, pecking my head, and hurried down the stairs, not wanting to be a moment later for her favorite class.

I pulled out my phone and texted Niall, making sure that he wasn't going to forget me last time. I kept telling him that I was more important than food, but apparently that wasn't the case for him. I'm not being a princess or anything, I just didn't like standing in the rain for half an hour only to find out that your best friend ditched you for a morning run to Nandos.

Pocketing my phone and grabbing my bag, I hurried downstairs, dumping my things by the door and heading into the kitchen. I pulled out a bowl and poured myself some cereal, looking around the silent kitchen and trying to remember the good old days, the less stressful days. The days when my mum didn't have to work all the time, and my Dad was still with us. Before he thought that we weren't good enough for him. When my sister could be a normal 19 year old and didn't need to try fitting into a mother role.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I knew it was Niall. Niall was the only one that ever texted me, unless I was doing some sort of group project, and even then sometimes not. I assumed that Niall was already waiting for me, and I started shoveling down my food, opening the text.

Nialler: I will be there in ten.. but I'm bringing someone with me. Just so you know

That must mean he was bringing Liam with him. I groaned inwardly at that thought. Liam was Niall's childhood friend and their families had also friends for generations. He was one of the popular kids, a jock with a beautiful girlfriend, who was, of course, a cheerleader. He did ride with us from time to time, and he wasn't mean to us or anything. He was actually quite nice. But I had made the mistake of mentioning to Niall that I found him cute, just one time, and Niall never let it go.

I don't know why, but I think the little Irish fella's life mission is to find someone for me. Ever since I told him that I might like boys a little much for my liking, he was supportive, perhaps a little too much. He was the one that made sure no one bullied me for that, or anything. I think he even told Liam to tell his peers to be nice to me. Yeah, I know I have the best friend in the world and I shouldn't go too hard on him, but honestly, I didn't like Liam...just thought he was attractive. Niall was attractive too, but that didn't mean I wanted his dick in my mouth.

I heard a car horn honking, which shocked me so much that I almost spilled my nearly empty bowl of cereal.

"Harrreeeeeeeh, move your ass!!!!" I heard Niall shouting, still honking furiously the car from outside. Rolling my eyes and heading for the door, grabbing my bag along the way, I laughed to myself, wondering when my neighbors would finally have enough of being woken up nearly every morning by a very loud Irish accent. He always did this, but then again, everbody knew Niall and nobody could be angry at him for too long. He was just too happy all the time.

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