Chapter 03 - Restart

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After the disaster of Friday night, I just wanted to stay the whole weekend in and be a social outcast. I didn't even wanted to go on Facebook or Twitter, fearing I would get angry messages from Xander or hate from his friends. It wasn't fair that they treated me like this, and I usually didn't give a damn, but sometimes it got to me, and this was one of those times.

My mother noticed my sadness right away, and kept trying to suggest things for me to do, like hanging out with Niall, but I just cut her off with a shrug and hid in my bedroom. She continued to pester me, but I wasn't giving in. She never gave up, though. Before my parents divorced, we always had a Family Meeting every Saturday night. Gemma and I always pretended that we loathed them, because we had to talk about all our feelings in thirty different ways. I guess this is how it works when your Dad is a succesful shrink. In the end, however, my sister and I loved these meetings, because we got to spend the whole night together. My Mum always ordered a XXL-Pizza and we watched stupid Rom-Com movies afterwards. In these moments it always felt like we were a whole family, and I missed that. A lot. Squeezing my favorite pillow (the one my Dad gave me when I was five), I tried to take a nap. Nothing interesting was on the TV anyway.

I should have known that my mother wouldn't just let me disappear, but at this moment, that thought didn't even cross my mind.


"Hey, you look nice today," someone said to me, while I was trying to find my way through the grocery store. My mother send me off to find a special organic smoothie for her. I was annoyed as fuck, because I just wanted to watch the newest episode of 'The Big Bang Theory', but I had to go shopping with her first, and at this rate, I'd never make it home in time. I turned around and saw Louis standing there. What was he doing here? And why did he said I looked nice? I must've said that out loud, because he laughed at me, answering, "I need to do some grocery shopping, and because you do, you know. Look nice, that is."

I didn't know what to do, so I said nothing. As usual, that's me: weird and awkward Harry Edward Styles.

"That bum in those trousers really does look nice," he spoke again, totally unabashedly. "Besides, how do you fit that in those tight jeans?" Louis pointed straight at my crotch. What the fuck was happening? This must be some dream, right? I am just dreaming. Someone pinch me. I'm not standing with Louis fucking Tomlinson in the produce aisle, he's not pointing at my crotch and indicating that I have a big dick. But I couldn't think of a single thing to say. I could only look at him with my mouth open.

"You should close that mouth of yours...or maybe put it to better use." he said, and he began to approach me. It looked like he was about to kiss me, and the only thing I could do was to close my eyes and wait for that kiss...


"Harrrrrrrrreeeeeeh, wake uuuuuup," someone sang sweetly into my ear. I didn't know who this voice belonged to at first, so I just mumbled something incoherently. In my dream, I just met up with Louis and was on the brink of kissing him. Wait.. what the fuck? I jumped up all of a sudden, feeling terrified now that I realized who was speaking, and my eyes shot open, being met with mesmerizing blue ones.

"LOUIS? What the fuck?" I shrieked, scrambling backwards and almost falling out of bed and asking myself what the hell was going on. Louis was leaning on the left side of my bed, smiling at me and acting like this was a normal thing for him to be doing How the fuck had he even gotten in to my house??

"Sorry, you just looked so cute sleeping and cuddling with your Bob the Builder pillow. Very lovely." he added for good measure.

"Shut up," I grumbled, glaring at him and feeling my face go red with embarrassment. "What are you doing here, besides mocking me?"

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