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A Love's Promise


You believed you can.

And you did, really, and it felt good.

Your Mom loves you very much and so is your Dad. They love you, and you believed them without thinking twice. Without even asking why or how or how much. You just nodded and hugged them. They're your parents, anyway.

The water in your tub is hot but it felt good on your skin. You sink again for five minutes, then you decide to rinse and get dressed. A summer dress. Very Yna.

You look in the mirror as you comb your now waist-length hair. It felt satin with your touch, then decided to tie it up as it was hot outside.

You decided to walk yourself to the garage to pick up your car instead of asking Manong Romulo, the family driver, to get it ready for you. You kissed your brother, Red, and your Nanay Belen before turning on the engine and driving away.

On your way to school.

You do miss him, but you want to believe you do not.

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