Chapter 1

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“Alera, get up you’ll be late for your first day of school!” mum yelled down the hall, I grumbled and covered my head with the pillow, I heard the door, “Alera, you don’t want to be late get up,” mum said and pulled the blanket off me,

“Mum, do you know how embarrassing it’s gonna be, being the new kid at school, it’s the middle of the year, why couldn’t we just stay in Europe?” I asked, she sat down beside me,

“Because we had to get away, being there was too hard,” she explained, I sat up,

“Too hard for you, I was copping fine,” I said, she shook her head,

“Honey, you would lock yourself in your room for days, if that’s copping with it fine, then yea we would have stayed, but it wasn’t,” I got up and walked to my bathroom,

“Than maybe dad shouldn’t have left,” I said and closed the door. I dressed in white skinny jeans and a blue tank top, I straighten my hair and added little makeup, and then I was ready, I walked down the stairs and saw mum, “bye mum, love you,” I said and was out the door before she could answer.

I pulled into the parking lot and got out the car, and like my last school you had the nerds, popular kids, jocks, cheerleaders, kids that think there cool, music group, kids that can speak many different languages, normal kids, and then there was me, the newbie, an outcast.

I looked around before I started walking and noticed a group that I wasn’t familiar with, it was a mix up of boys and girls, way far more attractive than all the other people, but most of them looked together, like together, together, they were in each other’s arms, boys and girls, then there were the others just standing there talking,

I couldn’t take my eyes off them, then all their heads turned in my direction, I looked down quickly and started walking, as I walked I could feel people’s eyes on me, I walked past the group and saw they still had their eyes on me, I could feel my cheeks heat up so I walked faster, I got to the door and walked inside,

After five minutes of walking I found the office, I walked in, “how may I help you?” a lady asked me, I looked at her and smiled,

“I’m Alera Clearwater, I’m new here,” I told her, she smiled,

“Well Alera, I’ll get you your time table and pass then your free to enjoy the rest of the day,” she said, I nodded and she went to get the things, after a minute she walked back out with my time table and some other forms, including my locker number and it’s code.

I took them and walked out, I walked down the hallway and could feel the staring burning into my back, I found my locker number and put my stuff in, then I got my books ready for my first classes.

Hayden’s P.O.V (from the start of school)                                

I pulled up in my normal parking space and was met by the rest of my pack to be, “Hayden, what’s up,” Brandon, my beta asked, I stood up straight and we did our hand shake,

“Not much, same old,” I said, he nodded then Lola his mate walked over,

“Hey guys,” she said, Brandon wrapped his arms around her, I’m never gonna have a mate, I mean, I will have one, but who says I’ll want her, I thought, Brandon smirked,

“Dude, you’ll find her, and when you do, you’ll want nothing but her, trust me, having a mate is one of the best things about being a wolf,” he said, I chuckled,

“Life’s too much fun to just be stuck with the one person, don’t you want to be with more than just one girl in your life?” I asked, he frowned,

“Hello, I’m right here,” Lola said, I smiled,

“Sorry,” I said,

“No, I’m good with just having Lola for the rest of my life,” Brandon told me, I nodded,

“That’s because you didn’t have anyone else before her, and you basically found her straight away,” I added, she laughed,

“Ok, Brandon’s mine forever, and you’ll find someone, someday, we’ll need a Luna anyway,” she said, I rolled my eyes then my wolf started going crazy, ‘Mate, Mate, Mine, Mate, Mine,’ he scream, I frowned as I controlled him,

“Does anyone smell that, it’s new,” Nick my close friend said, I smelt the air, strawberry and peaches was all I could smell, which made my wolf go ape, ‘mate she’s mine, ours, get her, make her ours,’ he said, ‘No, I’m not settling yet, stay out of my head, she’s nothing to me,’ I told him, he made a growling noise which everyone else in my pack heard, they looked at me, I shifted from leg to leg, Brandon smiled,

“Oh, someone’s got the jitters,” he teased, I narrowed my eyes,

“Shut up,” I said, then we heard something, ‘they look together, like together, together,’ it was her thought, we all looked in her direction, my heart rate started going rapid fire, “mine,” I said quietly,

She looked down quickly, and started walking, by this time the whole school was looking at her, the girls glaring, the boys drooling, that made my wolf mad, ‘SHE’S OURS!!’ he yelled at me, I flinched a little at his anger but controlled him, ‘no, she’s human, I don’t want weak,’ I said to him, he growled again and left me alone,

She walked past us then, we still stared, her cheeks went a little red and started walking faster, then she went inside. I let out my breath I didn’t realise I was holding, and then the pack turned to me,

“Dude, what was that?” Nick asked, I frowned,

“What?” I asked,

“Her, she, it’s like, she’s all of a sudden become, really important to us, we feel the need to protect her,” he said, I looked away,

“I don’t know,” I said and started walking towards the school building.

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