Chapter 2

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Sooo..i know this isn't perfect and stuff, but can you guys please comment on how to make it better? or share your thoughts..i dont really mind criticisms and i treasure comments more than votes :P lol tho i dont think anyone will vote yet since this story is so new and all...haha

anyways...i dunno if u guys will like this chapter, but hopefully you do and see the point i am makin..

cheers :)


I crashed into my un-made bed, tired and stressed out. It feels like there's millions of people poking a needle into my head and it's not fun for me. I struggled to stand up and gulp down a painkiller, hoping it would make me feel better. I could see Josh standing down there, doing something with his phone. Any moment now I am going to get a message from him, asking me if i got home safely.

[Did you get home safely? - Josh]

I sighed, i wonder if he just kept that same message and sent it to me every single day. i quickly punched in a 'yes' and replied him.

Almost instantly I get a reply.

[Good. Glad you didn't get ran over by a car, baby. LOL. I'm heading home now]

I rolled my eyes. See! It's exactly the same message from yesterday! And the day before! And its not like he didn't walk me home, he just didn't walk me up to my front porch cause I told him not to. My mum doesn't really like him coming into our house, she said he's not safe and not the right guy. For all she knows, I haven't spoken to him since four months ago when he asked me out.

And he keeps laughing at the same joke! I don't even know what is so funny about it anymore. OK. I nearly got hit by a car cause I was not paying attention to the road one day when we were walking home, I laughed it off, saying I was stupid and such. And I know he's only caring, but he had to go all puppy eye and said "You gotta take care of yourself, Jen. I would die without you."

[ok.take care.] I replied. I'm just not in the mood to talk to him now. Not when he tried to kiss and make up and pretend nothing has happened. Does he even know how much has changed? For a few weeks back there I thought I was into him as well, seemed like the sweet considerate guy who cares and loves me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just dating for the sake of dating, I thought there was something there, but it turns out there isn't. And I shouldn't be leading him on should I?

[You weren't happy at lunch today, what's up?]

Oh so now he's all observant? Maybe he's finally realizing it's not working for the both of us. Maybe if I keep this avoidance act up, he will get the message and it'll be easier for the breakup. Oh, who am I kidding? It won't make a difference. Still, I am not in the mood to talk to him now, I don't want to do something I will regret later. And I know I will if I get into this fight with him now, and its two weeks till my birthday, I don't want to ruin anything.

[Just moody. Have to study. TTYL.]

There. Sent. He would leave me alone till after 1am now. I take out my history books and turned to a clean new page. I may not listen to Mrs. T in class, but I am still a grade A student. And I get that by studying at home by myself, its the way my mind works.

[You know what? I've had enough of you telling me that you need to study. I always say I'm alright with that but I'm not. Who am I kidding? I want to talk to you all the time! Every second of every day! But why do you keep shutting me out?]

I tried to stop the anger boiling inside me. Oh no. He did not just start a fight!


OK i know this is short but I am actually already late for work lol...i just cant leave without finishing comments? pls?

lol...Cheers, J


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