Chapter 6

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Cutting the crap...enjoy :)


Closing my locker, I headed over to the canteen with Cassie and Rebecca after our PE class. It has been a week after the break up and all the drama and things are beginning to fade fast. School has got me so occupied I basically don't have time to think about anything else, mid-term tests are round the corner and project deadlines are coming, and being the straight A student I am, nothing can get in the way.

Kurt has forced some ice cream down my throat that day I ran into him and I don't remember anything else from that day, except for the message from Jake that said Josh was safely home. I don't think I have the energy to face anything else anyways. Since then it was just a blur of homework and readings and writing songs with Kelly.

Kelly was great in helping me get over the guilt. She has known me practically my whole life so she knows exactly what to say. A few nights of sleepovers and loads of corny movies and singing has got me back on track with my life.

"Hey, I want to ask you guys something." Rebecca blurted out when we sat down at our usual table by the window.

"Yea?" Cassie pulled down her headphones and looked over at Rebecca. I swear that girl practically has her ears glued to her headphones and they only come down every once in a while.

I rolled my eyes and gazed at Rebecca, wondering what on earth could bother her so much that she's playing with her salad. I have never seen Rebecca look so nervous and unsure of herself.

"Do you guys think that Kurt..." she stops and stared down at the lettuce she managed to flick off her plate, turning red for a second. "Do you think Kurt likes me?" she mumbled out finally.

I choked immediately on the coke but was grateful that I didn't have to speak that moment. Of course Kurt likes her. He likes her so much he can't stop telling me how perfect she is and how they were meant to be with each other, being the huge ego he is. But he has never told anyone else that, it has been our own secret and I had sworn not to tell anyone, let alone Rebecca.

"Like DUH! You'd be crazy not to notice, even I did and you know how insensitive I am to these things." Cassie swooned, pretending to sound all loovey dovey which really doesnt suit her tomboy image.

I couldn't help laughing harder and followed her lead, "Yea he likes you soooo totallly much!!" I giggled, watching Rebecca's face turning redder than that piece of tomato that rolled off her plate at the same moment. He'll never know I told, I was just going with the flow. But anyways, they both needed the push. Judging from the blush on her face, she apparently likes him too.

"Stop it you guys! I'm serious!" Rebecca pushed away her lunch and stared at us, frustrated at our childish manners. I know we are childish, it's a common asset of Cassie and I. It's what pulls us together.

"OOOO you like him don't you??" I figured I could at least help Kurt that much. Since he helped me so much with my relationships. I see why they match, they're both tall and slim, white and confident, same values i guess? But Becca does seem to have this bubble of closeness that she wouldn't let just anyone pop, that's what's annoying Kurt and keeping him away from her anyways. Still Kurt seems to think that he's not good enough for her, though I'll never understand why. I can so totally see how they'd make a cute couple, even if it means less suggling movie times with him.

Rebecca's eyes widened, shocked at my direct question. She fidgeted with her hair and reapplied make up on her already flawless face. She looked so unsure that moment that I felt sorry for her. I'll bet she has never been unsure of herself all her life, she had always known what to do, what to say, what to expect, but this was all new to her.

"I don't know." She bursted out, surprising even herself.

I smiled to myself, the girl doesnt know she's in love. That's cute, considering it's 21st century, I never thought girls were this innocent anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly the most open-minded person, just that I kinda believe that girls should fight for what we want sometimes. Sensing her nervous breakdown coming, I spooned the spaghetti into my mouth and wondered what else to talk about.

"OMG! How long have you and Kurt been going out?" I sighed, ready to explain myself again. I turned around to where the sound came from and saw Janice striding towards our table. Janice is the biggest loud-speaker you would ever need, and her blond curls and shorter than humanely possible skirts help her attract the audience. Gossip Queen, A List, On the top rank of the social ladder, whatever you want to call her, she's that. She thinks she can get all she wants and right now all she wants is Kurt, and that girl just can't lose. I'd want to see how she'll look if she finds out how Kurt thinks of her, but I am not risking my peaceful life.

I braced myself for a jerk that didnt come. Instead, Cassie slipped off her chair and fell to the floor, her iPhone bumping along with her.

"How can you go to a concert with him? Do you even know what it means?" Her high-pitched screch continued. "He's mine and you better back off!"

I shared a sigh with Rebecca while watching Cassie calmly stood up and fell back into her chair looking confused. Janice had not given Cas a chance to even explain. We all laughed after Janice's swaying hips left the canteen, that girl is just so unpredictable I don't even have the energy to dislike her. The three of us are always falsely accused of being with Kurt, it doesn't even make sense cause we're all just friends. Except for Rebecca, who I hope they're stop being just friends soon.

"Where is Kurt anyways, didn't he finish Physics half an hour ago?" Cassie finally spoke up, after finish her lunch.

"He skipped." I said, reading from the text I just received.

"Oh well, I have to get to the library guys. See you around!" Rebecca chimed in, back to her old self. I'm going to have to tell Kurt about her soon, just so he'll know that he actually has a chance.

"See ya." Cassie pulled her headphones up again and started drumming invisible patterns on the table. I pulled out my notebook and turned to a new page, ready to start my Literature Essay.

"Oh and one more thing," Rebecca said quitely, "Please don't tell anyone about what we discussed just now." She blushed slightly, before composing herself and walking away.

Sorry Rebecca, that's one thing I can't just keep to myself. I smiled and quickly punched in a text for Kurt.


So this is just a filler theres be more next chapter where you'll see Jen and Kurts text which could become interesting :P

Ready for some sparks between Jen and Kurt?? Or is it going to be Kurt and Rebecca? :P

Next chapter up in three days :P



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